Big Data Essay - What are the main concerns

Question # 00840891 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/18/2023 11:53 PM Due on: 04/19/2023
Subject Computer Science Topic General Computer Science Tutorials:
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Big Data

Essay ques1:

a) What are the main concerns related to Big Data security and how to overcome them?

b) What are the 3 sub challenges of technical challenges and what do they mean?


Essay ques2: List 5 common data analytics and visualization tools and discuss characteristics of them.

Essay ques3:

a) What are the three phases of MapReduce and how are they used in Big Data?

b) Which Hadoop-Related Projects goes with its corresponding Apache Hadoop Project?

c) What are some available open source softwares that are used everyday and what are their features?


Essay ques4: Discuss Open-Source Software with examples, stating and explaining the three main considerations with four other considerations . Additionally list ten big data analytics software and platforms with their category . Lastly explain big data visualization and examine and discuss six big data visualization techniques.

Essay ques5:

a) Why is scale a challenge in big data analysis?

b) What are the major distributions of MapReduce framework?

c) List and explain 3 real time data projects in Big Data.

d) Why is it important for companies to understand the uses of analytics as a service?



Each essay is to be word-processed with minimum of ONE PAGE double-spaced in normal font size and one-inch margins on top, bottom, left and right sides. [

Please NOTE: If you include STATEMENT of Essay to be answered this space does NOT count toward ONE PAGE MINIMUM! You can include statement of Essay Question to be answered on a separate page before your ONE PAGE Essay response!]

Include all in citations and references for each specific essay.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00836352 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/18/2023 11:54 PM
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