Network Security Layers - A next-generation firewall

Question # 00840701 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/13/2023 01:53 AM Due on: 04/13/2023
Subject Computer Science Topic General Computer Science Tutorials:
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Network Security Layers

A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is a device that offers additional capabilities beyond traditional firewall functionality. Traditional firewalls may offer stateful packet inspection while a NGFW may provide integrated IDS/IPS functionality, for example.

The ability of a single device to perform multiple functions can be cost effective and may not require additional in-house expertise to support the technology. A drawback of using an NGFW is that it could become a single point of failure.

Assume you are in charge of deciding which types of firewalls to acquire and implement for an organization.

Answer the following question(s):

Would you choose an NGFW for a small business? Why or why not?

Would you choose an NGFW for a large organization? Why or why not?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00836161 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/13/2023 01:55 AM
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