Intro Comp - The publication and spread of Fake News

Question # 00840712 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/13/2023 09:18 PM Due on: 04/14/2023
Subject Computer Science Topic General Computer Science Tutorials:
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Intro Comp

The publication and spread of Fake News has become a major political issue as social media has gained importance in the modern internet-connected world. Research the topic from the following perspectives:

1. Who should be responsible for preventing fake news from affecting outcomes in American politics?

2. Should fake news be considered a cyber crime?

3. What is the impact of globalization on fake news?

Example article/source: fakeNewsArticle.pdf and Cybercrime. These were found searching Galileo.

Write an essay that explains the problem and decide who bears what part of the responsibility for fixing the problem. Support your conclusions with facts or quotations found in your researches on the topic. Your essay should be a minimum of 300 words and all citations should be in MLA style with a link to allow for easy verification. You must include at least two additional sources.

To receive full credit for this discussion topic you must respond to the post of at least one of your classmates. Your response must contribute more to the discussion than simple agreement and be at least 50 words in length. Ideally, you will add a fact or idea about the topic that your classmate did not mention or share a personal story about the topic. If you post early you will be able to write back to anyone who responds to your post, creating a real discussion, which is the point to this exercise.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00836172 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/13/2023 09:19 PM
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