American Sentinel SIM405 Activity 1 Professional Values and Goals Latest 2023

Question # 00840545 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/08/2023 06:27 AM Due on: 04/08/2023
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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SIM405 Professional Values

Activity 1

Professional Values and Goals

Baccalaureate education includes the development of professional values and value-based behavior (AACN, 2008).

Reflect upon your nursing career through appreciative inquiry.

Drawing on your own life stories and experiences, what does a nursing career mean to you?

How does your nursing practice parallel the ANA (2015) Code of Ethics?  List 4 specific examples from the Code of Ethics.

What motivates you to remain in the nursing profession?  Give an example through a personal story and what you learned that motivates you as a registered nurse.

Develop 3 short-term and 3 long-term goals that emphasize your unique strengths.

How will a BSN degree impact your short-term and long-term goals?

Be creative and talk about your personal journey as a nurse. Include a personal nursing philosophy in the reflection.


The American Association of Nursing (ANA) website; search for “Code of Ethics”

SIM405 Tips

Additional Instructions:

All submissions should have a title page and reference page.

Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.

Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.

Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.

Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.



Submission Options

Choose One:



2 to 3-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

4 to 8 slides. Add title and reference slides.

Follow Rules of 7.

Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation

4 to 8 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.

Follow Rules of 7.

Video Presentation

5 to 6-minute video presentation.

Attach reference page or include in video.

Professional appearance and background.

Video submissions must include a script in Word format, submitted through Turnitin for an Originality Report.


Table with appropriate columns and headers.

Include title and reference pages.

Graphs or other illustrations

Graphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.


Poster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00836005 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 04/08/2023 06:28 AM
    Puchased By: 2
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