Westcoast PHIL251 2021 September Assignments Latest (Full)

Question # 00810070 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 09/03/2021 11:45 AM Due on: 09/03/2021
Subject Philosophy Topic General Philosophy Tutorials:
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PHIL251 Survey of Contemporary Ethics

Week 1 Assignment

Morality Paper

Consider a current topic that you have a strong opinion about and the moral implications surrounding this topic. With this in mind, address the follows questions in a one- to two-page paper that following APA Style guidelines:

Briefly state your topic and your opinion.

What is meant by taking the moral point of view?

What experiences have shaped your moral opinion about your topic?

Consider Plato's story about Gyges found in your textbook. Does the idea of the Ring of Gyges affect your moral point of view? Why or why not?

Review the rubric for specific grading criteria.


PHIL251 Survey of Contemporary Ethics

Week 2 Assignment

Religious Perspectives Paper

For this assignment, you will write a one- to two-page paper in APA Style format with at least two references outlining two different perspectives on end-of-life care. Select two of the following perspectives for your research:









PHIL251 Survey of Contemporary Ethics

Week 3 Assignment

Research Paper Topic

In this class we will cover contemporary issues including:



Sexual morality


Economic justice

The death penalty

Environmental ethics

Animal research

Violence and war

Global justice

For this assignment, you will select a topic for your signature assignment (a research paper on contemporary ethics). Your topic must include at least one moral issue. You can choose one of the practical issues that will be discussed during the rest of this course or, with approval from your instructor, you can select a topic of your choice. You must submit two paragraphs in APA Style format on your topic for instructor approval. In your submission, include:

Paragraph 1:

Identify and describe your current event topic.

Explain why you are interested in writing about this topic.

Paragraph 2:

Explain the controversy and moral relevance of the situation.

Discuss any challenges that you might face or obstacles you can foresee that you will have to overcome to write about your chosen topic.


PHIL251 Survey of Contemporary Ethics

Week 5 Assignment

Research Paper Rough Draft

This week, you will submit a rough draft of your signature assignment to receive feedback from your instructor. For your signature assignment, you will apply ethical theory to contemporary issues in a three- to five-page research paper. Follow the steps below to get started.

Choose a current event that has moral implications (for example, universal healthcare legislation, advanced directives, vaccinations, and stem cell research).

Research the history and social context of the event.

Identify the moral relevance of the situation.

Evaluate and present the arguments surrounding the event through an unbiased approach. Apply ethical theories and moral reasoning in your evaluation.

Your rough draft must include:

An introduction that provides relevant background information

A minimum of four body paragraphs written in a neutral tone that supports both sides of the topic

A minimum of three references from reliable sources

You may include your textbook as one resource; however, one reference must be from a scholarly, academic article.

All references must be cited at least once in the paper.

A conclusion that addresses the main point of the paper and wider implications

Formatting, citations, and references must adhere to APA Style.


PHIL251 Survey of Contemporary Ethics

Week 6 Assignment

Inequalities Paper

For this assignment, you will write a one-page paper in APA Style format that addresses the following:

What, if any, connection is there between social and economic injustice?

Do you think that contemporary culture may unconsciously perpetuate or increase discrimination? If so, provide one current example. If not, share how you feel contemporary culture does or does not affect discrimination.

What social policies would you defend to mitigate social discrimination?

Your paper must have a minimum of two citations.


PHIL251 Survey of Contemporary Ethics

Week 8 Assignment

Research Paper

For your signature assignment, you will take your rough draft from week 5 and finalize it into a polished three- to five-page research paper that follows APA Style guidelines. Be sure to apply feedback and critiques from your instructor and peer review. Additionally, your research paper must include an APA Style formatted title page and reference list.Review the rubric for specific grading criteria.

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Tutorials for this Question
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