Week 6 Discussion Marketing -The company and product/service

WK6 Discussion Marketing
Channels and Metrics
Note: At the start of your DQ post, remind us of the company and product/service you have chosen for your marketing campaign.
Choose one social media channel and one traditional channel that you plan to use in your marketing campaign. For each channel, answer the following questions:
· Why is this channel an appropriate choice to promote your product or service?
· What type of data will you be able to collect related to your use of this channel in your campaign?
· What metrics and KPIs might be useful in assessing your return on investment for this channel?
Now consider the company's own website, which is also a digital marketing channel. Answer the following questions about the company website:
· What type of content will be needed on your own website to promote your product or service?
· What type of data will you be able to collect from the company website to assess ROI? How will you collect this data?

Solution: Week 6 Discussion Marketing -The company and product/service