Week 8 Discussions -Top executives and members of a corporation's

Question # 00864872 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/13/2024 12:17 AM Due on: 12/13/2024
Subject Economics Topic General Economics Tutorials:
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Wk 8 Discussions


· Top executives and members of a corporation's board of directors have different roles and responsibilities. Traditionally, executives have been responsible for determining the firm's strategic direction and implementing strategies to achieve it, whereas the board of directors has been responsible for monitoring and controlling managerial decisions and actions. Some argue that boards should become more involved with the formulation of a firm's strategies.

. How would the board's increased involvement in the selection of strategies affect a firm's strategic competitiveness?

. What evidence would you offer to support their position?


There has been discussion about whether the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that took effect in 2018 is increasing tax revenue. Tax revenue can be thought of as an average tax rate multiplied by taxable income. If the average tax rate falls while taxable income stays the same, tax revenue will fall. But what if the tax cuts increase taxable income? The major schools of thought in macroeconomics (Keynesians?and?Neoclassicals) believe that tax cuts increase economic growth. Economic growth increases taxable income. Our economic growth before the pandemic brought unemployment down to historically low levels.

· Start your discussion by responding to these questions: 

. Do you think that tax cuts increase economic growth and taxable income so much that tax revenue increases?

. Or do you think that tax cuts reduce tax revenue? Explain your answers.


Imagine that you are a small-business owner. You are having a tough time with the bidding process. However, you believe you are close to securing your goal. You are always thinking one step ahead, so you are planning to protest any rejections.

· How would you approach the process and to whom would you direct the protest?

· Be sure to use an example or a scenario, including the related details and specifics, to support your response.


As we move toward your final assignment and the end of the course, it’s time to start thinking about how you can promote your employability by using what you’ve learned from the 10 Skills. For this discussion, complete the following:

· Find a job posting that you are interested in. Consider searching popular sites like O*NET or Indeed. The position should have been posted within the last 90 days.

· Post a link to the listing at the top of your discussion post and briefly describe the job (15–20 words maximum).

· Choose 2–3 of the 10 Skills listed below and explain how you can use them to promote yourself for the position. Make specific connections between the post and the 10 Skills.

NOTE: Concentrate on areas where the 10 Skills connect to the posting and omit education requirements, certifications, or required years of professional experience.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00860391 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/13/2024 12:18 AM
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