Week 9 Discussions - Explain why firms experience evolutionary cycles

Question # 00864871 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/13/2024 12:13 AM Due on: 12/13/2024
Subject Economics Topic General Economics Tutorials:
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Week 9 Discussions Questionnaire


· Explain why firms experience evolutionary cycles in which there is a fight between strategy and structure, punctuated with periods in which strategy and structure are reshaped. Provide examples of global firms that have experienced this pattern.

· Choose a CEO of a prominent firm that you believe exemplifies the positive aspects of strategic leadership.

. What actions does this CEO take that demonstrate effective strategic leadership?

. What are the effects of those actions on the firm's performance?


The Federal Reserve Bank ("the Fed") is the central bank of the United States. One of its jobs is to manage the money supply. Sometimes it increases the money supply. Sometimes it decreases the money supply.

· Start your discussion by responding to these questions: 

. Name at least one action that the Fed could take to reduce the money supply and raise interest rates.

. Given our current economy, would you recommend that the Fed reduce the money supply and raise interest rates, or expand the money supply and lower interest rates? Please explain.


· Choose one of the scenarios below. Discuss the type of delay and possible remedies for the delay.

. A construction project was delayed because a supplier could not obtain the necessary building materials due to a shortage.

. The government orders work on a project stopped for 3 weeks due to a pandemic. After 3 months, the work has not resumed.

. A contract officer stops work on a cell phone acquisition project because a part used to manufacture the phones was recalled.

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  1. Tutorial # 00860390 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/13/2024 12:14 AM
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