Week 6 Course Project-Second Draft

Question # 00478656 Posted By: Usmc3051 Updated on: 02/06/2017 09:23 PM Due on: 02/12/2017
Subject English Topic American Literary Tradition Tutorials:
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Course Project-Second Draft

The purpose of the second draft is to complete the draft presentation of your argument. The second draft will add Section II (two to three paragraphs), Section III (two to three paragraphs), Section IV and Section V (if needed), and the conclusion. The second draft should include all of the sources you presented in your Annotated Bibliography and may add an image, chart, or graph as appropriate. If you have made changes to your list of references, cite each new reference carefully, both in the text and on the References page. The length of the second draft includes last’s week content and will be seven to ten pages of text, not including the title and References pages.

When you are finished, save the document as <your last name.Wk6 Project Second Draft> and submit it to the Dropbox by the end of the week.

The Project Second Draft is worth 80 points. See Doc Sharing for the following support documents.

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    Tutorials for this Question
    1. Tutorial # 00474879 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 02/06/2017 09:28 PM
      Puchased By: 3
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      The solution of Week 6 Course Project-Second Draft...
      Military_Family_Divorce_second.doc (50.5 KB)
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      Us...51 Rating Awesome quality 02/22/2017

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