Project 1: Humanities Textual Interpretation/Analysis

Question # 00411576 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 10/22/2016 02:39 PM Due on: 10/23/2016
Subject English Topic American Literary Tradition Tutorials:
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Project 1: Humanities Textual Interpretation/Analysis

(Literary Analysis)

Choose one of the following short stories:

“AnOccurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,”

“Hills Like WhiteElephants,”

“The Lottery,”

“Everyday Use,” or

“WhatYou Pawn I Will Redeem.”That is the chosen topic.

Complete a close reading ofthe story or stories you choose. Examine the content of the text as well as itsforms (see pp. 123–25 for more information on close reading and observation strategies).You will need to choose a lens or a theoretical framework through which to approach your interpretation.

Use your close reading as the foundation for your thesisstatement. Your position must be insightful andarguable. In your essay, support your thesis withevidence from the text itself and from 2–3 scholarly researchsources on your text. You will be limited to only library-basedresearch for this project (NCLive and thecatalog). Do not stop searching once you have foundtwo or three research sources; find the most appropriatesources for the assignment.

Use the documentation style most appropriate to the discipline of your text(s). The appropriate style for literature is MLA (Modern Language Association). In order to be persuasive to your audience, your claim will need to be supported by the texts themselves, as well as some secondary research.

CAUTION: Do not let your research material take over your paper. Your own critical analysis of the text is the major part of the analysis; use excerpts from the literary text or short story itself to support your claim and interpretations. The research material is used simply to back up your interpretations with scholarly and authoritative insight.

Your classmates are your audience. You can assumethat your classmates have read the literature you arewriting about; however, you cannot assume that yourclassmates have considered the texts or concepts in thesame way you have.

Requirements: at least three pages of essay plus a workscited page in MLA format; 2–3 research sources

Scope: 800-1000 words [3-4 pages]

Purpose: to analyze a humanities text or texts, creating a successful argument about the texts’ meaning

This project requires you to complete and submit a number of Process Assignments, including peer review and a self-reflection. You must also turn in the relevant portions of any sources you cite in your paper.Process Assignment #1 follows this overview of Project 1.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00406920 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 10/22/2016 02:40 PM
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