Any person or Place or event with all details and description

Question # 00340230 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 07/16/2016 09:27 PM Due on: 07/17/2016
Subject English Topic American Literary Tradition Tutorials:
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Profiles take a specific angle that shares a significant issue, important contribution, or surprising quality of a person, place, or event with which you have first-hand experience.
Profiles are not full life stories; instead, they share a fresh perspective on a larger issue.
Profiles require writers to take a close look at a subject and use detail and description to bring the subject to life.
The subject of the Profile should focus on a local person you know, a place you have visited, or an event you have attended, meaning the subject should be a part of your local neighborhood, community, or town.

The audience of the Profile essay is the local community. Imagine the readers as neighbors and local community members.a Any person or Place or event with all details and description ... and contributions and more details .The audience of the Profile essay is the local community. Imagine the readers as neighbors and local community members. everything in APA style 2 pages
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00335789 Posted By: neil2103 Posted on: 07/16/2016 09:27 PM
    Puchased By: 3
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    The solution of Any person or Place or event with all details and description...
    Profile_Essay_Solution.doc (33.5 KB)
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