Devry ENGL227 full course (all discussion +quiz +assignments)

Question # 00346432 Posted By: mac123 Updated on: 07/26/2016 03:34 PM Due on: 07/27/2016
Subject English Topic American Literary Tradition Tutorials:
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Process-Oriented Writing (graded)

TCO 2 and the class textbook guide students toward using a process-oriented approach to professional writing. What does it mean to use a "process-oriented approach" in writing? Why is this approach advantageous? (Later in the week, we'll discuss strategies we can use during each step of the process.) (This discussion covers TCO 2.)

Formatting Business Messages (graded)

Consider successful business messages you've received, either as a professional or a customer. How did the formatting of those messages affect their level of success? (This discussion addresses TCOs 1 and 2.)

week 2

Writing Elements in Business Messages (graded)

We probably all agree that using correct grammar and spelling in our written communication is important. But, just how important is it? Take a look at this CEO's blog post. Class, what are your thoughts on this article? I Won't Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here's Why.

week 3

Positive and Neutral Messages (graded)

Most messages we write in the workplace fall into the category of positive or neutral communications. Examples include routine requests, informative or good news announcements, replies to inquiries, messages granting claims, letters of recommendation, and general goodwill messages. What are some strategies for writing these common types of messages successfully? (This discussion addresses TCO 2.)

Week 4

Diversity and Writing in the Workplace (graded)

Valuing diversity is commonly regarded as a virtue in today's business world. Why is diversity important to value? What are some strategies we can use to reflect the value of diversity in our written work? (This discussion addresses TCO 6.)

Report Writing (graded)

What are some different types of reports you are likely to write in your career? What are some strategies for creating well-written, effective reports? (This discussion addresses TCOs 1 and 2.)

Week 5

Negative/Bad News Messages (graded)

Using the process-oriented approach when addressing situations requiring the delivery of a negative or bad news message requires additional attention to planning and audience analysis. View the scenario and discuss the factors that would go into deciding whether to use the direct or indirect approach to deliver the message. (This discussion addresses TCOs 2 and 6.)

Electronic Communication (graded)

Business communication experts posit that the memo is dead and email isn’t too far behind. Review Chapters 7 and 8 and discuss the inherent benefits and drawbacks to the variety of electronic communication media used in business and industry. (This discussion addresses TCO 3.)

Week 6

Visual Communication (graded)

Using common software such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, users can create a multitude of different types of graphs, including pie charts, line graphs, flow charts, and Gantt charts. Which factors weigh into the decision to choose a particular type of graph or chart? Once you choose a type, how can you ensure that it is clear, readable, and ethical? (This discussion addresses TCO 5.)

Planning Formal Reports and Persuasion (graded)

One important part of planning a formal report is conducting research. What are some strategies business writers can use to conduct quality research? How else can we apply planning stage techniques and strategies to the planning of a formal report? (This Discussion supports TCOs 2 and 5.)

Week 7

Review of Professional Writing Standards (graded)

Class, once again, read through our 6 course TCOs. Which objectives do you think will be most important in your future career? Do you have any remaining questions about any of our objectives? Let's take this opportunity to review any concepts about which you may still have questions, as well as to discuss how you will apply them to your professional writing as you advance in your career. (This discussion addresses all TCOs.)

Formatting Formal Reports (graded)

Read the example report in Chapter 15 on pages 426-439, paying close attention to how the report is formatted and organized. (Note that this report shows both MLA and APA citations; in the reports you are writing, you will need to use APA citations.) How does the formatting and organization of a formal report differ from the formats we've practiced in other types of business writing? (This Discussion supports TCOs 1 and 5.)

Course project


Good news! The negative press from the trucking situation in Indonesia has been successfully mitigated. Upper management now recognizes that E227 Global Solutions has long talked about being green, but has not made any major efforts toward reducing the company’s carbon footprint on a global scale. With operations in the U.S. and abroad, E227 Global Solutions has seen generally successful localized initiatives to reduce energy consumption, reduce or eliminate chemical by-products, and minimize office waste.

Management at E227 Global Solutions is now challenging the entire company to adopt “green” strategies and reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 25% in the next year. Recognizing that great ideas come from all levels of the company, E227GS is challenging you, its employees, to generate ideas for going green and achieving, and possibly exceeding, the goal of reducing our carbon footprint.


For the week 8 assignment, you will submit a formal proposal to your division manager Anne Brown, recommending a strategy the company could adopt to go green. In week 6 you will submit an outline of the entire proposal, as well as the introduction of the proposal itself.

Remember, the goal of the proposal is to recommend a sustainable green strategy the company can adopt to reduce the carbon footprint by 25%. The primary audience is your division manager, Anne Brown; however, your proposal will probably be read by anyone in upper management.

As part of the planning stage, you will research 3-4 green strategies and decide on a specific strategy (e.g., reducing printer waste such as paper and ink; phasing in an energy efficient fleet of vehicles; installing solar panels or wind turbines to power the office building, etc.). Or you can research a general area such as physical facilities, recycling, transportation, etc. Just make sure the solution is broad enough so that you’ll be able to talk in depth about the one recommended strategy.

For your research, you need to find a variety of sources (at least six). Some sources may be found through the DeVry library, while others could be found through internet research. To use library resources, go to the Student Resources tab (under Course Home), click Library, and familiarize yourself with the menu in the upper left hand corner. Explore various sources, including the online librarian. A good place to become familiar with this topic is Green Business Practices for Dummies (2009) by Lisa Swallow, which is available through DeVry's online library, as well as additional online sources listed in the Webliography. Make all sources are credible. To avoid plagiarism, all borrowed material must be cited correctly using APA guidelines.

The recommended range for the proposal is 1250-1750 words, and it should include the following parts:

Front Matter

  • Title page
  • Transmittal Correspondence

Report Proper

Introduction (each of the four sections listed below will be second-level headings under Introduction)

  • Background of the Problem: Provide an overview of problem/situation and its importance. This is a critical section. It should describe the problem currently and reasons why the proposal is being written.
  • Statement of Purpose: The statement of purpose is essentially the same as a thesis statement for an essay or paper. It only needs to be a sentence or two long.
  • Sources and Methods: To establish credibility, discuss the types of research material selected to support the proposed solution and how the material will be used in the proposal. NOTE: You don’t make a list of sources like you would for a References page.
  • Report Organization: Provide an overview of the various sections of the report so the reader is aware of the direction and organization of the report to follow.

Discussion (each of the three sections listed below will be second-level headings under Discussion)

  • Solution and Benefits: Identify your solution and discuss its benefits. Include a visual.
  • Cost: This section should include individual costs to the organization, but may also include any cost savings that may be realized. Include a table to help readers visualize what is presented in this section.
  • Conclusion and Recommendation: Review the issues that led to the proposed solution and clearly state the recommendation you want the reader to implement.

Conclude the report with a brief statement that expresses a positive sentiment or statement.

End Matter

  • References (at least six credible sources in APA format)
  • Appendices (if applicable)

Grading Rubrics

Go to Doc Sharing to locate the grading rubrics for the formal proposal. Refer to the Week 6 formal report grading rubric for deliverables due for the first part of the formal proposal Course Project. Refer to the Week 8 formal report grading rubric for deliverables due at the end of Week 8. The proposal is due in its entirety no later than 11:59 p.m. (Mountain Time) on Saturday of Week 8.

Best Practices

The formal proposal will be completed over a three week period, starting in Week 6 and ending in Week 8. Week 6 establishes the outline and introduction for the final proposal, so it is important to have a clear vision for what you want your proposal to accomplish. Start researching green strategies early in the session.

Review the Week 6 and Week 8 grading rubrics to determine which parts are due in those weeks. Contact your professor for clarification of details.

APA will be used for in-text and end-of-text citations ONLY. Do not use APA as the layout format for your formal proposal. Review the sample formal report layout on pages 426-439 to get an idea of how to design the layout of your proposal.

Week 2 quiz

(TCO 1) Select the sentence that best demonstrates use of active voice:

Question 2. Question : (TCO 1) Select the sentence that demonstrates proper parallel structure:

Points Received: 2 of 2


Question 3. Question : (TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates conciseness:

Question 4. Question : (TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates tone:

Question 5. Question : (TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates the you attitude:

Question 6. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: We mailed the book you requested yesterday.

Question 7. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: Jack resents his assistant because he is competitive.

Question 8. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: Because of the degree of active employee participation, we are of the opinion that the

stock bonus plan will be successful.

Question 9. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: Unless you pay me within three days, my lawyer will be contacted.

Question 10. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: We cannot possibly send a repairman until next Monday.

Question 11. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: We are happy to announce that we are offering for sale an empty parcel of land at the corner of Mission and High Streets. We will be selling this parcel for $62,000, with a minimum down payment of $13,500. We have had it rezoned M-2 for student housing.

Question 12. Question : (TCO 1) List the instances of biased language in this report:

The finishing plant was the scene of a confrontation today when two ladies from the morning shift accused a foreman of sexual harassment. Marilyn Humphrey, a black inspector, and Margaret Sawyer, an assembly-line worker, accused Mr.Engerrand of making suggestive comments. Mr.Engerrand, who is 62 years old and an epileptic, denied the charges and said he thought the girls were trying to gyp the company with their demand for a cash award.

Question 13. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: While a few nearby residents initially opposed our expansion plan, we think we have their support to proceed as scheduled.

Question 14. Question : (TCO 1) Revise this passage by inserting logical transition words.

Columbia is widening its lead over Kraft in the computer-magazine war.

Its revenues increased 27% last year, whereas Kraft’s increased only 16%.

Its audited paid circulation increased to 600,000, compared to 450,000 for Kraft.

Kraft was able to increase both the ad rate and the number of ad pages last year.

Question 15. Question : (TCO 1) Revise: The major benefits our organization offers include annual leave and sick leave, insurance for group life and medical expenses, and a private retirement fund.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00342089 Posted By: mac123 Posted on: 07/26/2016 03:35 PM
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