Which of the following may be either a collective or singular deal

Question # 00384278 Posted By: neil2103 Updated on: 09/11/2016 08:31 AM Due on: 09/11/2016
Subject English Topic American Literary Tradition Tutorials:
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Which of the following may be either a collective or singular noun?

A. Faculty

B. Moose

C. Forest

D. Navy

14 of 20

5.0 Points

Cause-and-effect paragraphs and persuasion paragraphs are very similar to

A. arguments.

B. essays.

C. transitions.

D. pronouns.


In general, _______ writing is intended to convey information and explain ideas.

A. expository

B. controversial

C. interrogative

D. purposeful

4 of 20

5.0 Points

When the intended audience of your paragraph is non-specialists, you can make technical language more accessible and readable if you use a _______ style.

A. logical

B. conversational

C. formal

D. informative

3 of 20

5.0 Points

The paragraph or essay type most frequently called for in college, business, and daily life is

A. persuasive.

B. cause-and-effect.

C. classification.

D. comparison-contrast

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