Week 4 FASB/IASB Convergence Paper Written Assignment

Week 4
FASB/IASB Convergence Paper Written Assignment
Find and search any website that discusses FASB, SEC, IFRS, or IASB.
Describe and discuss the standards and rulings that are being contemplated through pending discussion exposure documents of FASB and IASB.
Your paper should be a minimum of five to eight pages, including a cover page and bibliography.
The font size should be 12-point and the type can be Times New Roman, Verdana, or Arial.
Your paper should be properly cited using APA referencing style. This means that citations should be in a bibliography and in the body of the paper wherever you refer to or directly quote any information or terms from other sources.
This paper is a research paper—you need to learn something new from this assignment, not just provide your ideas about your experience. Please submit your paper no later than midnight Sunday at the end of Week 4.

Solution: Week 4 FASB/IASB Convergence Paper Written Assignment