Type 1 Diabetes: Planning a Day's Meals

Question # 00204313 Posted By: terciafloryda Updated on: 02/23/2016 07:38 PM Due on: 02/24/2016
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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Jason is 11 years old and has Type 1 Diabetes. He was diagnosed with Diabetes when he was 5 years old. He is comfortable taking his "blood sugar" readings during the day. He likes to participate in sports and is on the soccer team, which practices three times a week after school. His mother always packs his lunch for school so he does not have to worry about eating the food in the cafeteria. 

For this written assignment plan a day's meal for Jason. 
•Include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. 
•In particular, include any snacks he may need after school to maintain a balanced diet during soccer practice. 
•Also include a brief discussion about three issues/considerations regarding nutrition, diabetes, and children that nurses must be aware of. 

You may use any of the resources found in this module or any other evidence-based sources (include those as in-text citations and references using APA Editorial Format).
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00199232 Posted By: felister njiraini Posted on: 02/23/2016 08:59 PM
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  2. Tutorial # 00253815 Posted By: felister njiraini Posted on: 04/21/2016 12:14 PM
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