The Social Network - What was Mark’s short term

Question # 00837814 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 01/26/2023 10:03 PM Due on: 01/27/2023
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Read film assigned, The Social Network

Introduction Paragraph  

Briefly summarize the film in five sentences or less. 


What was Mark’s short term and long-term goal in creating Facesmash? 

In establishing Facesmash, was Mark thinking critically? Why or why not? 

How might Mark have analyzed his decision? 

Was Mark being creative according to our text? 

How would you have gone about making a plan for Facesmash? What is thinking? 

Conclusion Paragraph 

Follow MLA format in writing your paper. Include a reference page and a cover page. Look for ‘MLA style guide’ on the Internet for rules and examples. 

Your grade will be based on clarity and specificity. 

Total of 3 pages without counting title and references pages

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00833271 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 01/26/2023 10:04 PM
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