Social Science - Choose at least three thinkers whose ideas

Question # 00838853 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/21/2023 01:29 AM Due on: 02/21/2023
Subject Psychology Topic General Psychology Tutorials:
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Social Science

Study the theorists mentioned in this module. Choose at least three thinkers whose ideas will not pass on to the future of psychology, and give at least two reasons explaining why. Now choose two thinkers whose ideas you think will pass on to the future of psychology, and provide at least two reasons explaining why.

Be sure to review the  academic expectations  for your submission.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00834313 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 02/21/2023 01:29 AM
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    The solution of Social Science - Choose at least three thinkers whose ideas...
    Social_Science_-_Choose_at_least_three_thinkers_whose_ideas.ZIP (18.96 KB)

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