Organizational Analysis - At a high level, identify the organization

Question # 00838845 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 02/20/2023 11:40 PM Due on: 02/21/2023
Subject Psychology Topic General Psychology Tutorials:
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Organizational Analysis

This project requires you to select an organization. The organization you choose may be your current employer, or alternatively, an organization in which you volunteer or one about which you can easily find information through the school library, the Internet, or other sources.

The tasks are as follows:

At a high level, identify the organization that you chose to study, and provide an overview of its industry, origin, number of employees, net worth, and so forth.

Define and analyze the culture and personality of the organization you selected:

Work performance, morale, and motivation:

Examine the impact of an individual’s personality, organizational variables, employee empowerment, and decision-making autonomy that impact work performance, morale, and motivation.

Identify 2 strategies that your organization can utilize to maximize the contributions of individuals.

Based upon your evaluation and examination of your selected organization, identify and recommend a specific motivational theory to implement at your organization.

Also, explain your rationale for each of the selected options and recommendations.

Work groups or team:

Examine the concept of organizational effectives as it relates to the interactions of members (work groups and teams).

Describe the methods used at your organization to assess the behaviors and attitudes of organizational members.

Identify other options and strategies that your organization can utilize to apply to create effective work groups and teams.

Also, explain your rationale for each of the selected options and recommendations.


Explain how your organization is creating effective leaders.

Identify other options and strategies that your organization can utilize to create effective leadership.

Also, explain your rationale for each of the selected options and recommendations.

Conflict resolution:

Analyze and explain how your organization is effectively supporting conflict resolution.

Evaluate the methods that your selected organization can utilize to enhance collaboration and manage conflict and change within the organization.

Also, explain your rationale for each of the selected options and recommendations.

Develop an implementation plan for one area (work performance, morale and motivation, work groups or team, leadership, and conflict resolution).

Discuss the cultural change implications of your implementation.

Identify the potential resistant behaviors and barriers that may occur during the implementation.

Identify how to reduce the organizational resistant barriers.

Discuss the implications of your recommendations on organizational structure and culture.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00834305 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 02/20/2023 11:41 PM
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