Regulatory Accountability - The regulation of nursing practice

Question # 00831482 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 09/21/2022 10:08 PM Due on: 09/22/2022
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Regulatory Accountability

The regulation of nursing practice is delineated within each state's nurse practice act. Nurses are responsible for knowing and understanding how their practice is regulated by the state in which they are licensed. A nurse who practices beyond their state's legal definition of nursing is subject to disciplinary action by the regulatory agency.

Respond to the following in a minimum words:

What should a nurse do if requested to perform a duty that is beyond the scope of practice outlined in the state's nurse practice act?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00826935 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 09/21/2022 10:08 PM
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