PSY812 Week 2- Which you articulate a potential problem statement

Question # 00784963 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 11/26/2020 05:32 AM Due on: 11/26/2020
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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PSY812 Week 2

Write a paper (1,000 words) in which you articulate a potential problem statement for your dissertation research and pose several potential research questions that could address the problem statement. Include the following in your paper:

  1. A clearly articulated and focused potential problem statement for the dissertation study you might conduct. What is the area of research you intend to explore? What are the key concepts of your focus? What is the context of the problem? Who are the subjects of this research focus?
  2. A research-supported rationale for exploring the problem. What is the need or defined gap as supported by at least four current and relevant sources of research literature?
  3. Four potential research questions that could guide your collection of data in addressing the problem statement. Reflect upon the who, what, where, when, why, and how of the problem statement to gain. a broader perspective on the problem statement. What analytical questions need to be asked related to the data that must be collected to address the defined gap? Articulate these ideas into research questions that focus on the relevant data that needs to be collected
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00784871 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 11/26/2020 05:33 AM
    Puchased By: 2
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