Securing your mobile devices are important
Question # 00784947
Posted By:
Updated on: 11/25/2020 12:55 PM Due on: 11/25/2020

Securing your mobile devices are important. Read the pdf document about securing mobile devices. Go to page 7 and read the section titled "Top 10 Mobile Safety Tips."10 top tips for smartphone security.pdf (opens in a new window)
Document each tip. With each tip, write a brief description in your own words. Find a friend who uses a cell phone for work (or research online) to find a mobile security policy for employees. Modify the checklist to update with any additional policy statements you think are more important.
Create a thread on this discussion board with the following:
- Document the most important tips from the file and identify tips you use/don't use and why.
- Find a checklist for employees who use mobile phones for work. Post the most important policies.
- Post an updated checklist by combining the document tips and your online/interview research.

Solution: Securing your mobile devices are important