CSU MHA5001 2020 November All Assignments Latest

MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit I Article Critique
Conduct a search using the CSU Online Library, and locate an article that focuses on a current challenge or challenges in healthcare finance. The article you choose should be at least three pages in length and cover topics from the required readings in this unit.
After reviewing the article, analyze the information, and recommend any changes to help organizations overcome challenges mentioned in the article regarding healthcare finance.
Your article critique should include the following items:
an introduction,
a summary of the main points,
your analysis,
current challenges presented with healthcare reform, obstacles faced by healthcare organizations in healthcare finance, challenges that organizations face in establishing organizational goals, recommendations for overcoming challenges, and a conclusion.
Your article critique must be at least two pages long and use correct APA formatting. Be sure to include a separate title page and reference page. You must cite and reference the article you critiqued, your textbook, and any other sources used. If you would like additional information on article critiques, click here to review a webinar from the Success Center.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit II Case Study
Columbia Needycare is a clinic in south Florida that provides basic medical care for homeless and indigent patients. The clinic is a nonprofit organization that receives revenue from however much patients can pay at the time of their visit. These revenues totaled $5 million in 2017. The clinic’s expenses, other than its depreciation, totaled 70% of its revenues. The depreciation expenses were $1 million. Other than depreciation, the clinic pays all of its expenses with cash because all of its revenues are collected in cash. Based on this information, complete the following items for Part I of the case study.
Develop an income statement for Columbia Needycare for 2017.
Calculate the total profit margin and net income for the clinic.
Explain the difference between gross income and net income.
For Part II of this case study, suppose that the clinic has an opportunity to purchase an additional building in another part of the city to help more patients. The new building will cost $480,000, but it will also need $35,000 in renovations. Based on this information, answer the following questions:
Can the clinic afford to purchase and renovate the new facility?
Do you have enough information to make this decision? If so, how would you recommend that the clinic handle the financing for purchasing and renovating the facility? If no, what additional information would clinic managers need to make this decision?
Combine both parts of the case study in one document. Your case study must be at least two pages in length and use APA format. Be sure to include a separate title page and reference page. You are required to use at least your textbook for the assignment. You must cite and reference your textbook and any other sources used.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit III Scholarly Activity
Baldwin General is a hospital in the Summerdale metropolitan area that has seen a decline in revenues and investors backing out of its proposed new surgical wing. Consider the following data, and perform a DuPont analysis of the hospital:
Net Income |
$1,218 |
Total Equity |
$2,118 |
Total Revenues |
$28,613 |
Total Assets |
$9,869 |
Across town, Creek Park Hospital is performing well and just completed two additions to serve more patients. Consider the following DuPont analysis of Creek Park:
Creek Park ROE = Total margin x Total asset turnover x Equity multiplier
= |
3.8% x |
2.1 x |
3.2 |
Perform a comparative analysis of Baldwin and Creek Park, and explain what issues you think Baldwin is experiencing in expenses, total asset turnover, and financial leverage. In your financial statement analysis, explain what steps you think Baldwin should take to improve its financial condition.
Your scholarly activity must be at least two pages in length and use APA format. Be sure to show your calculations in the analysis of Baldwin. You are required to use at least your textbook for the assignment. You must cite and reference your textbook and any other sources used.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit IV Project
You have been hired as the manager for a new clinical lab company in the Atlanta metropolitan area. The lab is a nonprofit that serves low-income patients in the downtown area. The lab is in the process of setting its fees-for-services on individual services. The clinic director has estimated fixed costs of $436,000, a volume of 18,500 tests, and variable cost rate of $19.
She has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the lab’s board of directors, explaining variable and fixed costs for healthcare services in the lab. Prepare a 7 to 10 slide PowerPoint that explains the following items.
Figure the price breakeven for the clinic.
List and explain fixed costs that the lab will have.
List and explain variable costs per visit that the lab will encounter.
The board will need to be aware that pricing may change if estimated costs are not accurate. If fixed costs end up being $397,500, how will the price breakeven change?
Explain how these pricing or volume changes may affect the lab.
Use your imagination or do whatever research is necessary to come up with some of the fixed and variable costs to present to the board. Feel free to use any graphics or images in your project that you feel would enhance the presentation. You are required to use the Notes section of PowerPoint to explain information on the slides to the board. You are required to use at least your textbook for the assignment.
Be sure to cite any sources used and include a reference slide with proper APA formatting.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit V Essay
Short-Term Debt Financing
Your assignment for this unit is to write an essay analyzing short-term debt financing options for a healthcare facility. The first part of this assignment is to come up with a facility that you wish to analyze. You may create your own facility name, background, and information, or you can base the facility on a healthcare organization with which you are familiar. Be sure to include a name for your facility, whether it is fictitious or real. Give a brief description of your facility, including information about its history, its current financial situation, and whether it is for-profit or nonprofit.
Once you have chosen a facility and provided the background information, it is time to discuss the short-term debt financing options for your facility. Include the following components in your essay:
Compare and contrast three different external short-term debt-financing options that are available for your facility. Suppose that your facility is projected to face a cash shortage later this year. Which of the options you listed would be the best option to cover this shortage at your facility? Why?
Your essay must be at least two pages in length, double-spaced. You are required to use at least four outside sources, two of which must come from the CSU Online Library and one of which may be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit VI Project
Research Paper Topic, Budget Information, and Resources
In Unit VIII of this course, you will complete a research paper where you create a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows for your healthcare facility. You will also make capital budgeting and investment decisions, and present long-term financial analysis for the facility. In this analysis, you will evaluate the financial implications of current and future healthcare trends and discuss the future of healthcare financial management in the United States.
In this unit, your assignment is to submit a research paper topic that gives basic background information about your healthcare facility and presents current budget information. The first part of this assignment is to decide which facility that you wish to analyze. Do not use the same facility you used in the Unit V Assignment. Create your own facility name, background, and information about what type of healthcare facility it is. Give a brief description of your facility, including information about its history, its current financial situation, and whether it is for-profit or nonprofit.
Part two of the assignment for this unit is to outline the budget information for your facility for 2018. Include the revenues, costs, and profits (or losses). With this information, present a budget and actual results for the facility with the difference in dollar-terms and percentages based on the actual numbers. Explain the relationships of these. Based on this information, calculate and interpret the revenue, cost, and profit variances for the facility. You are creating this facility, so the budget information is up to you. For instance, if you want to concentrate on turning operations around in a struggling facility, that facility might face losses in its 2018 budget.
Part three of the assignment for this unit is to research the topics listed at the top of this assignment for the final research paper, list three of the five sources that you will use in your research paper, and give a brief description (e.g., two or three sentences) of each source. At least two of these must come from the CSU Online Library.
Your completed research paper topic should be a minimum of two pages in length.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit VII Essay
The unit lesson and the textbook readings for this unit list several project valuation methods. Choose three project valuation methods, and write an essay that explains each of the methods. Specifically, your essay should cover the following topics:
Include an introduction that explains the overall function of valuation methods in capital budgeting and why capital budgeting is so important.
Explain the benefits and drawbacks of each valuation method, and describe whether the method is more beneficial in analyzing for-profit or nonprofit organizations.
For each valuation method, give a scenario where the method chosen would be beneficial in making a decision between different projects. If additional valuation methods would be beneficial in making a decision between the projects, explain why.
Conclude with an analysis of the effects of inflation and healthcare trends and how these should be factored into capital budgeting decisions.
Your essay must be at least two pages in length, double-spaced. You are required to use at least three outside sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library and one of which may be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.
MHA5001 Health Care Financial Management
Unit VIII Research Paper
In this unit, you will complete the research paper that you started in Unit VI. Based on the healthcare facility you created in that unit, complete the following components for the research paper:
In your introduction, give a brief description of your facility’s current financial situation. While some of the information for your description may come from your Unit VI Research Paper Topic, do not use the same verbiage. This introduction and description should cover topics from your research in this unit.
Create a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows for your healthcare facility. If you wish, you may present these in chart form in the paper. When creating these charts, you may use either Word or Excel, but Excel is recommended because it will handle the calculations. Based on these, discuss the performance of your facility.
Make capital budgeting and investment decisions based on the need for your facility to update aging equipment. The equipment is expected to cost $1.3 million, and the expected life of the equipment is 15 years. Discuss at least two financing options for the new equipment.
Present a long-term financial analysis for the facility. In this analysis, evaluate the financial implications of current and future healthcare trends, making sure to evaluate any legal issues in health care, and discuss the future of healthcare financial management in the United States.
Combine all of your components into one research paper. Your completed research paper must be at least three pages in length, double-spaced. You are required to use at least five outside sources. Three of these may be the ones chosen in Unit VI. At least two of these must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced

Solution: CSU MHA5001 2020 November All Assignments Latest