NKU MSN612 Module 6 Discussion - Legal and Contractual Considerations Latest 2023
Module 6 Discussion Board - Legal and Contractual Considerations
Jennifer White
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Discussion Boards demonstrate active involvement with the material being covered. Students will have a shared responsibility for learning, and for creating and sustaining the learning community within the context of this course. You will be asked to discuss the issues/cases in an effort to increase everyone's understanding as opposed to a regurgitation of facts. Communication skills such as good listening should be evident in well thought out discussions. Comments show evidence of a thorough reading and analysis of the power points and material assigned. Ideally there is a willingness to test new ideas rather than offer only cautious or 'safe' comments. Students interact with other class members by asking questions or challenging conclusions in a respectful manner.
Last-minute posts do not demonstrate your best work. Two posts are required for each module in order to receive credit.
•Contributions are evaluated on presentation of a meaningful ‘informed opinion,’ i.e., synthesis of your preparation on the topic, interaction with peers and faculty, and ongoing learning. Useful posts may include and are not limited to:
oPosting your ‘take’ on the issue, this is informed by your preparation, not a ‘gut reaction.’
oAsking critical thinking questions
oOffering alternate interpretations and additional insights
oContributing to the learning of the group
•Discussions must be backed up with PEER reviewed journal articles beyond what is provided for students.
Read the Learning Activity Case study on page 510 in your textbook ( Advanced Practice Nursing: Essentials for Role Development, Joel, 5th ed.) and answer the questions that follow it. Discuss the case study and the NP's risk for liability.
•Provide 2 peer reviewed references that are < than 5 years old and from a professional advanced practice journal for your initial post.
oMake your initial post by 23:59 EST Wednesday of Week 6
•Respond to two other classmates' posts by 23:59 EST Sunday of Week 6
oProvide 2 peer reviewed references per post. that are < 5 years old and from a professional advanced practice journal.
-Identify which of the MSN essential(s) this assignment meets.
Solution: NKU MSN612 Module 6 Discussion - Legal and Contractual Considerations Latest 2023