Module 8 Discussion, Chapter 14 - The details & chemical reactions

Question # 00845742 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 09/13/2023 08:37 PM Due on: 09/14/2023
Subject Chemistry Topic General Chemistry Tutorials:
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Module 8 Discussion, Chapter 14

This week we are learning about the details & chemical reactions of the inexpensive flashlight batteries.  The products of the reaction in this simple battery cannot easily be converted back to their original form…and for this reason, this technology is best used in a throwaway battery-- one that cannot be recharged.  Batteries of this type are called primary batteries, and are not eco-friendly.

Excerpt from Chemistry in Focus.  By Tro.  Excerpt from Oxdiation-Reduction Reactions; Batteries.  By Joesten, Castellion & Hogg.

Discussion Questions:

Who knew battery problems can make big news, too? The new Boeing 787 Dreamliner is not so dreamy after all.  Check out the following web links:

· What you need to know about the Boeing Dreamliner.

· The official Boeing 787 Dreamliner webpage.

· Dreamliner rival ditches controversial batteries.

In the last article, two different types of batteries were mentioned. Do more research and answer the following:

1. What is a lithium-ion battery?

2. What is a nickel-cadmium battery?

3. Why do you think Boeing picked the lithium-ion battery? Put yourself in the place of a Boeing engineer, what are the risks vs. benefits of using this type of battery?

4. Obviously, the Boeing engineer selected the lithium-ion battery based on their risk assessment..... In your opinion, do you feel they made the right decision? Explain.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00841210 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 09/13/2023 08:38 PM
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