• General Chemistry

General Chemistry Recently Posted Questions

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Week 3 General Chemistry I - Nuclear charge, Electromagnetic radiation
WEEK 3 - General Chemistry I Choose at least 2 terms from the list, and answer the following questions for each term: This week, consider the following terms: - Nuclear charge - Electromag …
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Vinegar Production - Describe the process of vinegar
Vinegar Production Describe the process of vinegar production. Include which genera of bacteria are commonly applied, a schematic of the catabolic pathway, types of reactors used in produ …
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Week 2 General Chemistry I - Chemical symbol, Atomic theory
WEEK 2 - General Chemistry I This week, consider the following terms: Chemical symbol Atomic theory Ion Mass Isotope Respond to the following in a minimum words in APA format. Ch …
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Week 1 General Chemistry I - Element Compound Molecule
WEEK 1 - General Chemistry I As you learn to view the world through a chemistry lens, it will become important for you to learn to use the language of chemistry. There are some challenges associate …
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CHEM120 Week 5 Lab 9 - Building models of organic compounds
CHEM120 OL, Week 5 Lab OL Lab 9: Building models of organic compounds Learning Objectives: · Build virtual models to learn about the structure of organic compounds · Draw ext …
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