MATH225 week 3 lab september 2021

Your instructor will provide you with a scholarly article. Please email your instructor by Monday of Week 3 if you have not received the Lab 3 article. The article will contain at least one graph and/or table. Familiarize yourself with the article.
Emergency Room Safer Transfer of Patients (ER-STOP): a quality improvement initiative at a communitybased hospital to improve the safety of emergency room patient handovers
Open a Word Document.
Part I:
Title your paper: “Review of [Name of Article]”
State the Author:
Summarize the article in one paragraph:
Part II:
Step 1: Find a frequency table and/or graph within the article and post a screen shot in your Word document.
Frequency Distribution OR Graph
Step 2: Answer the following questions about your table and/or graph:
A. What type of study is used in the article (quantitative or qualitative)? Explain how you came to that conclusion.
B. What type of graph or table did you choose for your lab (bar graph, histogram, stem & leaf plot, etc.)? What characteristics make it this type (you should bring in material that you learned in the course)?
C. Describe the data displayed in your frequency distribution or graph (consider class size, class width, total frequency, list of frequencies, class consistency, explanatory variables, response variables, shapes of distributions, etc.)
D. Draw a conclusion about the data from the graph or frequency distribution in context of the article.
E. How else might this data have been displayed? Discuss pros and cons of 2 other presentation options, such as tables or different graphical displays. Why don’t you think those two graphs were not used in this article?
F. Give the full APA reference of the article you are using for this lab.
Step 3: Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it under "Assignments" and "Week 3: Lab".

Solution: MATH225 week 3 lab september 2021