combinatorial reasoning

Discuss the importance of combinatorial reasoning in gene sequencing and related problems involving
Each writing assignment is worth
20 points
should include the following sections
Background (3 points):
This is a discussion of how the
mathematical and mathematical portions of your topic fit
t include a historical background of the topic, definitions of terms
, the
discrete mathematics
that are addressed
induction, logical fallacy, etc.
), and some explan
ation about why these ideas were useful.
Examples (10 points):
In most of your writing assignments you are asked to discuss and describe an aspect of discrete
mathematics. Give two of three examples or techniques of the topic under discussion. Give general
information and also
specific examples of the topic.
(2 points):
List the references you used to complete this rep
ort. J
ust list title and author for any books
you used. You should also include a list of people that you consulted
or any other form of help that you received.
For example, you might obtain some of your information from the internet; in this case, you could include the
You'll need at least one book
or article
as a reference, preferably two
, and a total of at
least two references.
You'll notice that there are still 5 points unaccounted for. The remaining 5 points are for style: clarity, neatness, flow,
design, organization and creativity
it's important to be able to communicate your ideas.
