Maryville NURS307 2022 MAY Discussions Latest (Full)

Question # 00823400 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 05/04/2022 02:02 AM Due on: 05/04/2022
Subject Nursing Topic Nursing Tutorials:
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NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 1 Discussion

Continuing Your Education Reflection

This is a time to celebrate the talents you bring with you to your continuing knowledge development. It is a time for discovery, reflection, and professional development. You have had many experiences in educational settings. Unlike a child in school, the adult learner brings a wealth of experiences to the learning environment. The experiences of the adult learner may be varied, but they occurred in a certain environment or context and have meaning to the individual. To understand this meaning requires careful examination of your situation.

Post Requirements

First, consider the reasons you have returned to school. You may think that the recognition for your work or the pay differential on your career ladder is the reason. These may be considerations, but you are embarking on a journey of professional development that will further your knowledge, skills, and abilities, compared with a quick fix to a limiting situation. You will be facing the challenges of competing roles and addressing priorities in time management.

Reflect carefully and identify your reasons for continuing your nursing education.

Discuss how this will impact your educational progress.


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 2 Discussion

Cultural Competency

Ray’s (2016) theoretical model of Transcultural Caring Dynamics in Nursing and Healthcare contains four dimensions: the essence of caring, transcultural caring ethics, transcultural context, and universal sources (religion/spirituality). You are working on a busy pediatric oncology unit at a local children’s hospital.

Post Requirements

Choose one of the following three families, propose your initial activities with these families in order to demonstrate transcultural caring through awareness, understanding and choice.

Ricci is a 3-year old recently diagnosed with neuroblastoma. His parents are migrant workers at the local peach orchard who follow the harvests in the southern region. They migrated from Mexico 3 years ago and have an extended family by blood and occupation. Ricci is an only child. The maternal grandmother has been at Ricci’s bedside constantly since the parents both work long hours. His parents visit nightly, come groomed and dressed in their “best church clothes,” and bring dinner accompanied by a friend or two, all with prayer, fear, and concern. Describe your initial activities with these individuals and groups in order to demonstrate transcultural caring through awareness, understanding, and choice.

Lei is a 3-year-old diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic anemia (ALL). Her parents own a nail salon close to the hospital but live with Lei and her 6-year-old brother and an extended cultural family outside the city. One parent came to the United States at the same age as Lei, while the other was born in this country. Since her parents work extended hours, they have arranged additional staffing from their cultural family for the salon and have arranged for the paternal grandmother to visit from Viet Nam to assist with Lei’s care. Lei shared with you a cherished item her grandmother gave her from the recent Chinese New Year Celebration. Describe your initial activities with these individuals and groups in order to demonstrate transcultural caring through awareness, understanding, and choice.

LeeAnn is a 12-year-old gymnast recently diagnosed with osteosarcoma of the right knee. She lives with her divorced mother and a full-time live in nanny/housekeeper. Her mother is a neurophysiologist at a major medical center across town currently working on a major research grant. LeeAnn has had the same “nanny” since she was 2 years old who had been taking her to her gymnastic practices and events when she had a fall that led to the diagnosis. Her mother visits in the evening and calls for updates and the nanny/housekeeper spends most days during treatments and nights at the hospital. Describe your initial activities with these individuals and groups in order to demonstrate transcultural caring through awareness, understanding, and choice.


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 3 Discussion

Effective Communication

Review Chapter 6 in your textbook.

Post Requirements

Share your views on the following topics:

Your patient, Ms. Hevi, has a BMI of 32. In discussing the need to lose weight, Ms. Hevi says that she absolutely refuses to give up sweets. How can you apply communication skills to develop a plan that will work for Ms. Hevi?

What would you do to establish a therapeutic relationship with this patient?


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 4 Discussion

 Continuing Your Education Reflection

Review Box 8.2 from your textbook below. Then visit the Conflict Resolution Network (CRN) website for more information.

The Conflict Resolution Network Image

Post Requirements

After reviewing the resources, select one strategy and discuss how you did or could have used the strategy in a group conflict you were involved in.


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Nursing Leadership and Management

Post RequirementsWhat types of positive and negative leadership and management behaviors have you observed in your clinical practice areas? One can learn from positive and negative experiences. How can you apply these observations to your personal growth as a leader and manager?

Note: Do not mention names of the individuals you choose to use as examples of good or bad leaders/managers. 

DQ2 Effective Delegation and Supervision

Post Requirements

Share your views on the following topics:

Using the information from the interactive learning module and module exercises you have just completed, identify RN tasks performed in the clinic, hospital, or community setting that should not be delegated.

Give examples that illustrate the differences between delegating a task and assigning a task.


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 6 Discussion

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety

Post Requirements

Share your views on the following topics:

Select any two of the Ten Rules to Guide Improvement. Share a specific example to show how these can be applied in the clinical setting.

In the clinical setting, look for evidence of care that incorporates the STEEEP principles, which include safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered. Post these examples on the discussion board and discuss how each can improve patient outcomes.

If you could make one change in the health care system to improve quality, what would it be and why would you make it?

Think back on your last patient assignment. What is one clinical indicator that would be used to assess care? How would you go about doing this?

What barriers to quality improvement may be encountered in the workplace? How would you, as a nurse manager, address these obstacles?


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Telehealth Nursing

Post Requirements

Use an Internet search engine, such as GoogleLinks to an external site. or YahooLinks to an external site., to search for the phrase "telehealth nursing." Analyze the results of your search by answering the following questions:

Identify at least three examples of the way that nurses use telecommunications to deliver aspects of nursing care to patients.

Provide an example in which telehealth nursing increased the quality of a patient's life.

List three essential attributes that a good telehealth nurse needs to possess.

DQ2 Economics and HealthCare Policy

Ms. Jones is a 30-year-old client with a history of abdominal cramping, diarrhea that alternates with constipation, flatulence, and generalized discomfort. She had a complete panel of blood tests, and she undergoes a barium enema and a colonoscopy; the results of all the tests are normal. She is given a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome, a functional disorder that occurs when the lower gastrointestinal tract does not work as effectively as it should. The health care provider explained to Ms. Jones that her condition cannot be cured but that it can be managed. On a subsequent visit to the clinic, Ms. Jones requests an MRI. The nurse mentions this request to the provider who feels that the procedure is not necessary for the following reasons: it would not provide information that would alter the diagnosis or the management of her condition, nor would the test improve her condition. Ms. Jones insists; she tells the provider that her insurance policy would cover the diagnostic procedure for the purpose of investigating abdominal pain with the exception of a $20 copayment that she would pay.

Post Requirements

Why should Ms. Jones be discouraged from receiving the MRI if the insurance company will pay for it (estimated cost $2000 to $4000) and she is willing to pay the $20 copay? (Or should she be discouraged?)

DQ3 Health Policy and Politics

Post Requirements

Share your views on the following topics:

Discuss how knowing your Congress member's biographical information can affect your approach to a legislator and result in a more effective meeting.

Assume that your representative has indicated that he or she will likely vote against a bill that you feel is essential for decreasing the nursing shortage. Describe what you can do to be more effective in swaying the legislator's vote. What could nurses do that would have the opposite effect and create barriers to affecting the representative's vote?

In what ways do you think you can influence political outcomes?


NURS307 Transition to Professional Nursing

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Staffing & Shortages

Nurse staffing mixes, ratios, and shortages are a constant concern to nurses, as well as the professional community, other healthcare providers, and patients.

 Post Requirements

How is your institution addressing these problems? What is the involvement of nurses in the discussions?

DQ2 Nursing Theory Presentation

This week, you will submit the final presentation for this course. Your presentation should include the following:

Describe how the theory you chose can be used to improve nursing practice.

Read an article from a nursing research journal. What does the author identify as the conceptual or theoretical framework that underpins the work? Describe how these help in guiding the research.


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