M5 Assignment 2 - Public Archaeology Instructions

Question # 00771215 Posted By: dr.tony Updated on: 07/22/2020 11:33 AM Due on: 07/22/2020
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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M5 Assignment 2: Public Archaeology Instructions


For this assignment, you will evaluate two archaeological websites related to public archaeology topics and submit a short paper or other multimedia deliverable thoroughly addressing the topic to the appropriate folder. This assignment will familiarize you with the scope of public archaeology using the Internet. The options provided below allow you creative flexibility to show your knowledge of the topic.


Go online and search for archaeology websites that include examples of public excavations, archaeology weeks, stewardship programs, interpretive exhibits/centers, etc. See the Ideas section below for more information.

Option 1: Write a 1500 word APA formatted essay addressing the following:

  1. Write a description of each site and an analysis (why the site was effective or not, if the information was relevant, how useful it was/for whom, etc.).
  2. Provide a minimum of 750 words for each website analyzed.
  3. Be critical in your analysis.
  4. Submit to the M5 Assignment 1: Archaeological Public Archeology Submission Folder.



  • Archaeology and the Law: state, federal and historic preservation legislation, overview, significance
  • Overview of National ter process: historic preservation and archaeology
  • Public archaeology approaches outside the US
  • Ethics and Archaeology: Understanding conflicts and ethical issues inherent in public archaeology efforts
  • Working with descendant (and other) groups: Native Americans, African Americans, children, looters and treasure hunters, re-enactors
  • Public Education and Outreach: Distinction between the two approaches. School programs, Curriculum-related programs, Archaeology Week programs, Site-specific programs, public excavations, stewardship programs, interpretive exhibits/centers
  • Archaeology and Museums: display strategies, new technologies
  • Archaeology and the Media: popular media, pseudo archaeology and the public, news media (dealing with reporters, writing for the public)
  • Archaeology and Cultural Tourism
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00770643 Posted By: dr.tony Posted on: 07/22/2020 11:34 AM
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