Excelsior BUS311 2021 November Module 3 Discussion Latest

Question # 00813986 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 11/02/2021 11:40 PM Due on: 11/03/2021
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Module 3 Discussion

Understanding Global Cultural Diversity in Organizations

Why is it important to understand the culture of a country? In this case, why China?

According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, total U.S. trade with China in 2018 was $737.1 billion. Exports to China were $557.9 billion. China is currently the largest trading partner of two-way goods with the U.S. and is the largest supplier of U.S. imports as of 2018. American business connection to China is critically strong. The U.S. in many ways is dependent on Chinese business and production. Thousands of American businesses rely on sound Chinese/American relations that support American business endeavors abroad. Doing business in China requires U.S. businessmen and women to understand cultural nuances that are ingrained in Chinese ways of life and conducting business.

Review: ?Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions. (Links to an external site.)?(You can use this link to compare cultural aspects of both the United States and China.)


Your company’s training manager has read your earlier suggestions (based on work in Module 2) and is impressed with the quality of your research. He is about to start some training for employees relocating to China as expatriates for three years and he has reached out to you for some guidance in terms of cultural differences. You realize that it is an important assignment and China’s culture is different from American culture. The training manager wants to ensure that he is sending the right people and wants to make sure that this team is adequately prepared for both the task and acclimating respectfully to the culture. Create a discussion post that responds to the following two sections.

Scenario Questions

Work with your classmates to produce high-quality analysis and recommendations.

Initial Post: Create a discussion post that addresses the following:

Section 1:

In this section reflect on the case scenario presented and respond to the following two questions:

Using the Big 5 Personality Traits Theory, what personality traits should the candidates being assigned to China have? Think specifically about Chinese culture as it compares to American culture.

What information would you provide in pre-departure training?

Section 2:

In this section, reflect on the organization you work for (or an organization that you have worked for previously).

What practices and training exist in your organization that promote global cultural awareness and appreciation?

Note: Please continue to maintain the anonymity of your organization by not disclosing information identifying it. It is ok to share organizational purpose and departmental composition. If you are not currently in the workplace, you may provide answers based on previous employment experiences.

Reply Post: After reading the proposed cultural preparation plans and reflections posted by your peers, review?Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions (Links to an external site.) once again. Consider their insights and recommendations regarding cultural comparison and best cultural acclimation practices. Post at least two reflections for your peers that map their insights and observations to your experiences in your own organization. Answer the following questions:

What are the similarities and differences between your organizations in terms of recognizing different cultures?

How is this manifested?

What training ideas could benefit your organization and theirs?

To ensure the utility of your recommendations, the guidance you offer should be limited to 300 – 400 words maximum.

Your well-crafted recommendation would incorporate references to the details provided in the profiles with direct linkages to your advice.

To strengthen the credibility of your recommendations, cite evidence to support it.

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