Liberty BUSI240 Quiz 4

Question # 00810656 Posted By: Ferreor Updated on: 09/17/2021 12:51 PM Due on: 09/17/2021
Subject Business Topic General Business Tutorials:
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Quiz 4

 Question 1Sue Kim is trying to decide which shoes to order for the next season. She has examined the sales reports and walked the sales floor. She thinks she has a good idea, but she still asks her staff at the next meeting though, just to be sure. She is using which contingency for employee involvement in decision making?

 Question 2Scenario B

Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available.

According to the rational choice decision-making process, the first step in solving this problem would be

 Question 3In the creative process, which of the following refers to a "fringe" awareness? Selected Answer: illumination

  Question 4You have just received seed money for a new e-commerce business and you want to hire a dozen people with a high level of creative potential. To hire the most creative people, you would select applicants who have

 Question 5 Intuition relies on programmed decision routines that speed up our response to pattern matches or mismatches. These programmed decision routines are referred to as

 Question 6Which of the following ultimately energizes us to select the preferred choice?

Question 7 Scenario B

Alvin, the production manager at the Paragon Company, wants to select the best supplier of raw materials from among several vendors. He has several choices and has done research into which company provides the best services and products. One company is known to be extremely timely, another is much lower in price but often late in deliveries, and the third is well-known to provide the highest quality products available.

Once Alvin makes the choice and contracts with the vendor, he will still need to

 Question 8The benefits of employee involvement increase with

  Question 9 Decision makers might succumb to the solution-based problem trap because Selected Answer: it provides a comforting solution.

 Question 10Which of the following is not a reason people engage in satisficing rather than maximization?

 Question11Which of the following is true at the highest level of employee involvement? Selected Answer: The entire decision-making process is handed over to employees.

  Question 12What effect do mental models have on the decision-making process?

  Question 13A marketing specialist needed to find a new way of marketing the company's main product to its potential clients. While watching a movie one evening, the marketing specialist saw a scene that gave her inspiration for a new marketing plan. According to the creative process model, which of the following is the next stage in the creative process after such inspiration?

Question 14The main reason why decision makers compare alternatives against an implicit favorite is the hard-wired human need to minimize

 Question 15Which of the following refers to calculating the conventionally accepted "right answer" to a logical problem?

 Question 16The gap between "what is" and "what ought to be" is also called a Selected Answer: problem.

 Question 17 is a conscious process of making choices among one or more alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state ofaffairs.

 Question 18Often management is "under the gun" to solve problems and meet deliverables. This can lead to

 Question 19 The rational choice decision-making process selects the choice with the highest utility through the

Question 20What is meant by "divine discontent"?

  Question 21A nonprogrammed decision is applicable in any

 Question 22The concept of bounded rationality holds that

 Question 23 Scenario E

Selene and Rita are both engineers at a highly innovative technology company. They are both very creative people. Selene has 15 years of engineering background, a high need for achievement, and strong task motivation, whereas Rita prides herself on her high openness to experience, strong self-direction, and ability to evaluate the potential usefulness of ideas.

According to the characteristics of creative people, which areas are Rita's strongest?

  Question 24Middle managers of a marketing firm were addressing the problem of creating eye-catching ads that were able to be easily reproduced in both color and black and white. One manager said, "The main problem here is we design using color to lure the consumer instead of relying on the benefits of the product itself." Which of the following best describes the decision- making problem that this manager is exhibiting?

 Question 25The first stage of the creative process is Selected Answer: preparation.

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