Discuss your concept of an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that’s relevant to the projected landfall of the Category 3 Hurricane Lani along the U.S. East coast between Wilmington, NC and Myrtle Grove, NC. Note that the Congressional staffers are only seeking a “big picture” perspective with this tasker. Therefore, it is acknowledged that some details are not necessary at this time. Rather, your response should be one of providing a general overview of how the EMRAAS Pilot Project Team intends to “stand up” its EOC relevant to the unique challenges associated with the Hurricane Lani event. Part 1: Briefly discuss the role of the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as it pertains to disastrous events requiring emergency management community support. From a “big picture” perspective”, what is the overarching mission of an EOC? Part 2: Specific to the impending landfall of Hurricane Lani along the U.S. East coast between Wilmington, NC and Myrtle Grove, NC: • Are there any overarching policy documents that you’re relying upon to structure your EOC? • Who leads your EOC? • What are the functional roles and responsibilities associated with your EOC management structure? • Who are the primary external stakeholders (i.e., not part of the EOC government structure) that you intend to rely upon? • Who are the primary EOC functions and/or agencies/stakeholders that you would depend upon for advice/guidance when it comes to major decisions? • Which specific Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) are designated as “most important” as associated with the Hurricane Lani incident? • How are the inevitable limited resources being adjudicated between various offices/stakeholders? • How does the EOC plan to “message” both within the EOC structure, internal FEMA organization, relevant external stakeholders (both oversight and support), and local community? • How do you intend to ensure your logistics – to include supply chain – are maintained throughout the response and recovery phase?
