ENGL148N 2023 January Assignments Latest (Full)

Question # 00837214 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 01/14/2023 11:54 PM Due on: 01/15/2023
Subject English Topic General English Tutorials:
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ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 2 Assignment

Research Argument Essay Proposal


The goal of an argument research proposal is to create a working argument stance and a basic plan that considers context, audience, and purpose and that presents potential approaches to research.

Keep in mind that rather than being an outline or structural plan for your essay, this proposal should ground you in the conversation, should offer direction for research needs, and should give your professor ample focused material viable for providing effective feedback before you begin researching and writing.

Required Resources

Please review and use the following resources while completing the assignment:

The course theme announcement 

Week 2 Argument Research Essay Proposal Example Links to an external site.

Week 2 Argument Research Essay Proposal Template Links to an external site.

Argument Research Essay Overview Links to an external site.

Week 2 Explore topics


Review the course theme announcement carefully. Select the topic that you intend to use during the course for your Argument Research Essay. Review the Argument Research Essay Overview for a broad look at the essay guidelines. 

Next, review the Week 2 Argument Research Essay Proposal Example to see a sample idea of how to complete the template. Then, download the Week 2 Argument Research Essay Template, complete all the sections pertaining to the course theme topic selected, save and submit to the Week 2 assignment area. Be sure to complete all THREE sections of the template.

Formatting Complete the template by filling in the blank areas for each section according to the instructions.

ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 4 Assignment

Introduction, Body Paragraph, and Conclusion

Required Resources

Please review and use the following resources while completing the assignment:

Your completed and improved Argument Research Essay Proposal

Week 4 Explore topics

Sample Argument Research Essay Links to an external site.

Argument Research Essay OverviewLinks to an external site.


Using the?Argument Research Essay Proposal?that you developed in Week 3,?you will write three paragraphs of your essay–introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Your document will include the following items:?

Begin by creating an APA formatted title page for this assignment as seen in the Sample Argument Research Essay.  

Using the sample, create an introduction paragraph,?with an?attention-grabber, background information, and thesis statement based on the stance written in the proposal.?Please review the edapt concepts from Weeks 1–4 and the introduction paragraph in the Sample Argument Research Essay to understand how to write a strong introduction paragraph.?

Write one full body paragraph with at least one resource. Begin with a transition and topic sentence. Your paragraph content will vary based on where it will go in your essay. You might begin with additional background information if needed or develop one point to prove your thesis. You might write one of your opposition and rebuttal body paragraphs. Again, the structure of your essay and topic will guide your body paragraphs’ content. Review the edapt lesson on outlining an argument in Week 3. Also, look at the first body paragraph in the Sample Argument Research Essay to help. 

Compose your?conclusion paragraph. It should offer an overview of the essay’s thesis without repeating it, followed by an impactful look at how the topic and argument fit into a bigger context. Please review the edapt concept from Week 4 specifically covering conclusion writing along with the Sample Argument Research Essay to understand how to write a strong concluding paragraph.?

Include a Reference Page and proper APA citations. Create a properly formatted APA reference page including all scholarly resources used in the assignment. Provide in-text citations and parentheticals within the assignment to cite resource information. Again, use the Sample Argument Research Essay to understand the required formatting. Also, see the APA handbook for information on writing references and in-text citations properly. 

APA Formatting


Double spacing?throughout?

A proper APA?font and size,?such as?11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 12-point Times New Roman. 

Title page?formatted in APA style as shown in the edapt concepts and in the Sample Argument Research Essay

Page numbers?formatted as described in the edapt concepts and in the Sample Argument Research Essay 

In-text citations for any resource information used within the essay

A reference page properly listing all resources used in the assignment


ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 6 Assignment

Argument Research Essay Full Draft


Using your proposal from Week 2 and the paragraph writing from Week 4 along with the peer and instructor feedback provided on both, you will compose your Argument Research Essay Full Draft this week. Review the following resources, instructions, requirements, and rubric to help support your writing. 

Required Resources

Please have the following resources available while you write your draft:

All previous Explore lessons

Your completed and improved Week 2 proposal

Your completed and improved Week 4 paragraph work

Argument Research Essay OverviewLinks to an external site.

Sample Argument Research Essay Links to an external site.


This assignment is a full draft of your Argument Research Essay. This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward developing your Argument Research Essay. This draft is expected to meet all of the Argument Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.

Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay Full Draft due this week and for the Argument Research Essay, due in Week 8:

Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:

Headers with pagination

Title Page

Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation

APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources

Do?not?divide your essay into sections.

Do?not?use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles, employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic sentence rules we have practiced.

4–5 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references

Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs, and your conclusion paragraph

Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay. In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this essay.”

At least 4 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced

Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric


Four to five fully developed pages PLUS title page and reference page.


ENGL148N Advanced English Composition

Week 8 Assignment

Argument Research Essay Final Draft


Using your draft from Week 6 along with the peer and instructor feedback provided, you will compose your Argument Research Essay Final Draft this week. Review the following resources, instructions, requirements, and rubric to help support your writing. 

Required Resources

Please have the following resources available while you write your draft:

All previous Explore lessons

Your completed draft with feedback

Argument Research Essay Overview Links to an external site.

Sample Argument Research Essay Links to an external site.

Argument Essay Revision ChecklistLinks to an external site.


This assignment is a final, polished draft of your Argument Research Essay. This draft will demonstrate the argument and writing techniques studied in the course and will build upon the steps you have taken in all the previous weeks toward developing your Argument Research Essay. This draft is expected to meet all of the Argument Research Essay requirements for writing, content, length, and sources.

Writing Requirements for the Argument Research Essay Final Draft due in Week 8:

Correct use of APA guidelines for the following:

Headers with pagination

Title Page

Margins, spacing, and paragraph indentation

APA in-text citation and referencing for all sources

Do?not?divide your essay into sections.

Do?not?use headings within your paper to indicate changes in topic. While longer APA essays and particular types of APA writing, such as scholarly articles, employ APA-style bolded headings to divide portions of the writing, you are writing a shorter academic essay. Your shift from one paragraph to the next should be signaled through your use of the effective transition and topic sentence rules we have practiced.

4–5 full pages for the essay itself, not including title page or references

Effective structure, including your introduction paragraph, your body paragraphs, and your conclusion paragraph

Use of third-person throughout. Focus on the topic, not on you nor on the essay. In other words: no first-person “I,” and no referring to the essay, such as “In this essay.”

At least 4 scholarly sources visibly used, cited, and referenced

Refer to the full Argument Research Essay Rubric

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Tutorials for this Question
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