ENGL148N 2023 January Week 2 Discussion Latest

ENGL148N Advanced English Composition
Week 2 Discussion
During weeks in which you do not have a Writing Workshop, you have CyberCafe areas to discuss with your classmates and log your attendance.
Here, you will benefit from considering your current writing and thinking about upcoming assignments. You may answer one or some of the questions required, but please feel free to share anything related to your classwork.
For starters, do any of these questions resonate with you? Feel free to address any of the following and/or other class topics you’d like to discuss!
After reviewing the Week 2 Module materials, what questions do you have?
How are you feeling about writing a 4–5-page Argument Research Essay?
Do you have questions or concerns about the idea/understanding of what constitutes an argument?
Did the completed Argument Research Essay Proposal Sample help you understand the assignment and the goals of the proposal in organizing your topic and ideas?
Do you understand how to complete each section of the Argument Research Essay Proposal Template?
Do you have questions about the course theme and selecting a topic for your argument?
What argument topic based on the course theme are you considering? Why?
What might help you and your classmates this week toward success?

Solution: ENGL148N 2023 January Week 2 Discussion Latest