EDU259 Module 6 - You  are an NC Pre-K teacher

Question # 00851887 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 03/16/2024 02:20 AM Due on: 03/16/2024
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Module 6


To develop a plan for integrating technology as a teaching strategy. Complete attachment

You  are an NC Pre-K teacher (4 to 5-year-olds) who wants to integrate developmentally appropriate technology as a teaching strategy  including the involvement of families in children’s learning. The  children in your class come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds whose families may have limited access to traditional computers at home.

Focus Assignment

Create a plan to integrate developmentally appropriate technology  into the classroom environment, curriculum, and involvement of families  in children’s learning. Be sure to provide a description of the  strategies you plan to use, the child outcomes, the space and materials  needed to implement the plan, the procedures you will follow, and how  you will collaborate as partners with families in young children’s  development and learning. In addition, be sure to include elements that  will create an equitable, anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom and  support the use of technology at home.


  1.  For each element of  your activity plan, explain how this element will help students  technology as a learning strategy and contribute to their development  
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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00847364 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 03/16/2024 02:21 AM
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