EDU235 Module 6 Test - Describe the method Kohlberg

Module 6 Test
EDU 235 Chapter 6 test
SHORT ANSWER (4 points each)
1. Describe the method Kohlberg used to test his theory.
2. Describe children between the ages of three and six during Erikson’s Initiative versus Guilt period.
3. Piaget’s main concern was the cognitive development of children, but he was also interested in how children begin to understand justice and develop a respect for social order. Explain.
4. Discuss the criticisms of psychoanalytic theory.
5. Erikson started a psychoanalytic practice in Boston, where his work included children from a variety of backgrounds. What were the father’s backgrounds of his patients?
6. What are the three stages beyond adolescence that Erikson delineated?
7. The text states that the years of middle childhood are particularly fertile ground for learning lessons taught by family, culture, and society. Why is that true?
8. State three things caregivers can do to help children learn to live within society’s rules and get along with others.
9. Some of Freud’s ideas are so widely accepted that most people do not realize they are part of psychoanalytic theory. What are these areas?
10. State the criticisms that have been made of Kohlberg’s delineation of stages.

Solution: EDU235 Module 6 Test - Describe the method Kohlberg