Reporting Standardized Test Results - Analyze how test scores are interpreted
Question # 00851883
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Updated on: 03/16/2024 01:18 AM Due on: 03/16/2024

Reporting Standardized Test Results
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how test scores are interpreted and used to report student progress and program effectiveness.
***This assignment includes two parts.
Part 1:
- Using the attached Double Bubble Map, explain the differences and common characteristics between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests.
- Double bubble map
Part 2:
- Select two forms of results from a test (From your book or provided by the professor in the module outline)
- Discuss what they mean
- What are the student's strengths and areas for growth?
- Make recommendations for instruction
- What are some effective practices you would use when reporting test results to parents?
- What are some issues you might foresee with reporting test results to parents?

Solution: Reporting Standardized Test Results - Analyze how test scores are interpreted