Discussion - Carol shoots her father Carl with malice aforethought

Question # 00846977 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 10/19/2023 04:53 AM Due on: 10/19/2023
Subject Law Topic General Law Tutorials:
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Criminal Law, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2015

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Carol shoots her father Carl with malice aforethought. He thereafter lingers in a coma for two months and then dies. Carol is in a jurisdiction that recognizes merger for attempt and that also requires a victim to die within one year and a day if the defendant is to be charged with murder. Can Carol be charged with attempted murder and murder? Why or why not?

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00842444 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 10/19/2023 04:53 AM
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    The solution of Discussion - Carol shoots her father Carl with malice aforethought...
    Discussion_-_Carol_shoots_her_father_Carl_with_malice_aforethought.ZIP (18.96 KB)

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