Police Use Of Force Continuum Model

Police Use Of Force Continuum Model
1. Use the Internet to learn more about the Police Use of Force Continuum model and explain in your post the relationship between this model and police discretion. How is this model being used in cases of police misuse of force to hold law enforcement officer accountable for their decisions? Also, what did we learn from the Kansas City experiment?
Your post must contain the relationship between use of force continuum and discretion + answer all my questions. Refer & cite current resources in your answer, if applicable.?
2. Explain the following theories: a. Broken Windows, and b. Victim Discounting. Is there also a process of discounting offenders in our society and criminal justice system? Is evidence based research useful in changing prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination by police? Explain the main differences between stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.
Your post must contain the explanation of both theories + an answer to all my questions. You also need to include two questions about your content for your peers. Refer & cite current resources in your answer, if applicable.?

Solution: Police Use Of Force Continuum Model