The concept that every employee of a correctional

Question # 00846871 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 10/15/2023 10:21 PM Due on: 10/16/2023
Subject Law Topic General Law Tutorials:
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For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay ( minimum 1500 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a criminal justice organizational issue. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least (4) four different scholarly research sources. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

In unit 2 we explored the concept that every employee of a correctional institution is a correctional worker, not just the guards. We also delved into the traits that create a personal leadership style that should be emulated. The topic of effective leadership in a correctional environment was also examined.

 Your essay should explain the concept that “all employees of a correctional institution are correctional workers first.” What does that concept mean in practical terms?

What are the benefits of having such a policy? Are there any downsides to this policy?

Your essay should analyze the traits of the best supervisor you ever had.

What made you respect and appreciate this supervisor?

How would you describe this supervisor’s personal leadership style?

Your essay should also include a scholarly examination of the concept that “effective leadership of a prison or jail facility does not require a superintendent or warden to be charismatic and larger than life.” What leadership characteristics do you consider the most important?

Which leadership characteristics are most likely to result in the development of an effective correctional operation?

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  1. Tutorial # 00842338 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 10/15/2023 10:22 PM
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