Week 7 - How CFEs are adapting to emerging technologies
Question # 00846876
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Updated on: 10/15/2023 10:54 PM Due on: 10/16/2023

Locate any fraud video or podcast that addresses how CFEs are adapting to emerging technologies in the digital age. You can find links to ACFE videos/podcasts below and in Getting Started and you can also use videos you may find on YouTube. What do you see as some of the challenges with new technologies when it comes to fraud investigation? How do you think these challenges can be overcome? Be sure to use authoritative sources (e.g., peer reviewed articles from the library, Fraud Examiners Manual) to back up your opinion. Discuss your ideas with at least 1 other classmate. Insert the link to the video in your discussion post.

Solution: Week 7 - How CFEs are adapting to emerging technologies