Describe your experience with Self Directed Learning

Question # 00852682 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 04/02/2024 12:10 AM Due on: 04/02/2024
Subject Education Topic General Education Tutorials:
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Describe your experience with Self Directed Learning.  Compare and contrast this to your online classwork.  Explain some challenges


Compare and contrast the t hree basic types of evaluation in Family Life Education, and explain how you would use each of the three (not just one) to assess one program of your choosing.




Choose a minor or major stressor that your family has experienced and  one that you are comfortable talking about.                                                                     

For this week's discussion:

· Analyze how it affected members of your family that are relevant to the stressor by describing and illustrating the situation using the ABC-X Model as referenced in the text. (Bonus: Include an actual model or graphic of the ABC-X Model as it relates to your family's situation)

· Was this a temporary or permanent family stressor? Explain.

· Was this a voluntary or involuntary family stressor? Explain.

· Was this a normative or nonnormative family stressor? Explain.

· Did the family experience Level 1, II or III stress as a result? Explain.

· Which, if any, of coping strategies did you and/or your family use ? Explain.


As we look at ways to help reduce stress on children and families, there are many sources that will help. Review the information at "Talking with your children about stress," American Psychological Association (n.d.),

Which of these tips provided do you believe would be the most useful?  Why?

Expand your discussion by adding one more idea. Choose from one of the three topic searches below (there are many programs found within each topic area). You will need just one more topic idea, not one from each topic.

· Search topic- Resiliency Training

· Search topic- Coping skills

· Search topic- Stress management (including but not limited to exercise, nutrition, progressive muscle relaxation)



Hazard adjustments assume that people live with a certain degree of threats that can be prevented or mitigated through certain actions. Pick three hazards that are prevalent in your hometown. What hazard adjustments would you recommend based on these three hazards?


Describe your understanding of qualitative research prior to your learning this week. How has it changed? Of the three stances described in Brinkmann (2014) (making the obvious obvious, making the hidden obvious and making the obvious dubious), which are you most drawn to? Finally, provide your overall reaction to this week's material in the lessons and in Brinkmann (2014) and Watson and Vaidya (2013) given your initial assumptions about qualitative research. 


Equal Opportunity or a Fair One?

Most employers tout being an "Equal Opportunity Employer." In America, we promote both multiculturalism and diversity, but may not fully understand the differences. While multiculturalism may be great when thinking about cuisine and festivals, present an argument that some cultural practices should not be embraced for America to maintain its identity. Also, does it not make more sense to recognize diversity and promote a "fair" opportunity rather than an equal one?


1. Read the entries in the section "Why Write?" which is linked here. The link opens on the first section, called "Self-Expression and Self-Enrichment."  Please be sure to read all five (5) sections. Then respond to the following questions. Why do you write? What kind of writing do you typically do now?  What kind of writing would you like to do?

When you write something, you assume a specific identity as a writer, much like the role of a character. You might assume different identities writing as a student, employee, family member, or friend. Describe some of the character roles you assume in your current writing. Include traits of each role that distinguish it from others.




Here are a  number of short videos to help get students up to speed for what is involved with learning and understanding the basic fundamentals of information security. Each week in each forum topic there will be more videos of interest. So You Want to be a Network Engineer - Security Fundamentals - Information Security

So You Want to be a Network Engineer - Introduction to Network Security

So You Want to be a Network Engineer - TCPIP Tools and Commands

So You Want to be a Network Engineer - Introduction to Firewalls


Describe the concept of homeland security and its relationship to homeland defense. What is the Homeland Security Enterprise, and who do you consider to be its members or stakeholders, and how do they contribute to this shared initiative? 


A: Would you kill the large person?

Looking back at the original trolley problem, throwing one switch to divert a train so it would only kill one person rather than five, discuss whether you think you would throw the switch. Then consider the twist where you could push a rather large person (gender should make no difference) from a bridge to save the lives of five others. What is the difference, if any, between the two scenarios? What do you think your answer says about your moral compass?


Discuss the differences between a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis. In doing so, elaborate on why typically qualitative method studies do not state a hypothesis. Additionally, if you are going to use hypotheses in your research proposal list and discuss them.


How does effective organizational communication contribute to the overall success and performance of a company?

What are the main barriers to communication within organizations, and how can they be mitigated or eliminated?



Trey is 30 months old. He is an only child. He lives with his mother who has some intellectual challenges. She takes very good care of Trey but she doesn’t know much about how to support the development of a toddler. By report, Trey has never used crayons, held or read books, or spent time with other children. Trey’s mom recently found a job so Trey is now in a family child care program each day. Based on concerns from Trey’s grandparents, he was recently evaluated and has an IFSP to support his language, fine motor, and social-emotional development. Trey’s therapy services are being delivered at the childcare. As Trey’s teacher, you observe he plays with cars, trains, trucks – anything with wheels. He avoids doing fine motor activities. When he is asked to do fine motor activities like completing simple puzzles, he appears to get frustrated but doesn’t seem to be able to explain how he feels or why he’s unhappy. Discuss the following with your peers:

· Use NCFELD early learning guidelines/standards to see how Trey's skill levels compare to other two 1/2-year-olds. 

· Identify home and classroom experiences that might be used to support Trey’s fine motor development within daily routines. 

· How would you use Trey's interest in anything with wheels to plan activities that develop his fine motor skills? 

· How would you support skills development to help him identify and express his frustration? 

· What can you do to engage Trey's mother in the learning process both at shool and extended to home? 


What science or math area has the most appeal to you as a school age teacher? Why? What skills do you bring to children?

Do a science OR a math activity with a group of school-age students. Post the activity that you do, tell how the activity went and post pictures of the activity with the students. Remember this is an activity to be completed with school age children, not preschoolers. Pictures need to reflect older children, so I do not have to guess if your activity was carried out with the correct age group.  

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