BSC2087 2022 July Discussions Latest (Full)

BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 1 Discussion
Obstacles You May Face
Human Anatomy and Physiology can be a daunting (but also exciting!) course. We will cover every human body system in this course and in Anatomy and Physiology II. It is a good idea to take a moment this module to self-reflect and get yourself organized for the upcoming term. Throughout this course, we will often return to a common principle that regulates the human body: homeostasis.
Initial post: For your initial discussion post, provide one example of homeostasis within the body. Provide a brief 3-4 sentence explanation of the example you choose. Additionally, identify and discuss 1-2 obstacles you may face with this course while learning anatomy and physiology. Examples may include being new to online learning, time management issues, personal or family commitments, test anxiety, etc.
Reply post: In your reply post, provide suggestions for the obstacles your peers have identified. Share what has worked for you in past courses or suggest a resource or study skill that might help your classmates be successful in overcoming their challenges. Remember to include resources that are available through Rasmussen College’s Library Learning services, online, and/or through a mobile device.
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 2 Discussion
Skin Cancer
The American Academy of Dermatology (2021) states that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. Protecting our skin from harmful ultraviolet rays is imperative. However, the human body does benefit from a mild to moderate amount of UV radiation.
Initial post: What is the best way to protect your skin from sun-related damage? What are the advantages and disadvantages to sunscreens containing common active ingredients such as oxybenzone, octocrylene, and homosalate? Are there benefits to using mineral sunscreens, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide? How effective are natural sunscreens, such as coconut oil or shea butter? If a sunscreen product is not regulated by the FDA, how can you determine if the product’s claims are true?
Reply post: In your reply post, consider the research your classmate has posted and compare/contrast with your own research. Are there any inconsistencies? Discuss any similarities or differences in the information you found.
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 3 Discussion
Do Dairy Products Prevent Osteoporosis?
The Department of Health and Human Services (2021), estimates that 53 million Americans are at increased risk for bone fractures. Calcium and Vitamin D are vital components for osteoporosis prevention. Dairy products, especially milk products, are common in the American diet and even have a familiar marketing campaign ("Got Milk?") to help educate the public on the benefits of milk. Most Americans have the perception that drinking milk will give us strong bones, but is this true?
Initial post: Are dairy products, specifically milk, an effective dietary source to help prevent osteoporosis or could they cause more harm than good? Should we, as a society, be drinking more or less milk? Are there better dietary choices for calcium or should we all be taking calcium supplements? Please elaborate on your reasoning with your research.
Support your opinion with valid research and cite your sources appropriately.
Reply post: In your reply post, consider the research your classmate has posted and compare/contrast with your own research. Are there any inconsistencies? Discuss whether this information will influence your dietary habits either now or as you age.
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 4 Discussion
What Causes Sarcopenia?
Sarcopenia is the normal age-related process of muscle fiber loss. Type I muscle fibers support endurance and posture. Type II muscle fibers support strength for heavier loads and speed, as well as older adult functional independence in activities such as going up stairs and standing up from a chair. Resistance training can help slow muscle fiber loss at any age.
For this discussion, we will examine the more microscopic underlying question: “Why do we lose muscle fibers with the aging process? Where do they go?”
Initial post: Select one of the two reference articles listed below for this discussion. Within the selected article, read the abstract, introduction, conclusion, and at least one additional section of your choosing.
From your research, how would you answer the question: “Why does sarcopenia occur? Where do the muscle fibers go?” While you may use scientific terminology, also include your own words to describe the phenomenon. Support your positions with the assigned reading. Use APA citation to credit your source.
Reply post: In your reply post, consider the research your classmate has posted and compare/contrast with your own research. Additionally, discuss possible health and lifestyle real-life applications. You may add additional resources of your own selection to support your positions. Be sure to cite any borrowed material.
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 5 Discussion
Arthritis is increasingly prevalent among the United States population. Although there are several types of arthritis, the most common (by far) is osteoarthritis. According to the CDC, more than 32.5 million Americans are diagnosed with osteoarthritis (2021). It is likely that you or someone you know is struggling with the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis right now.
Initial post: In your discussion post, provide at least one prevention technique and one treatment option for osteoarthritis. Describe each item in detail, providing information about how the therapies you chose affect the physiology of arthritic joints. Support your opinion with valid research and cite your sources appropriately.
Reply post: In your reply post, provide research about the effectiveness of the preventative therapies and treatment options your classmate(s) posted. You are encouraged to share a personal experience (if you have any), but remember that you should always back up your personal thoughts with a reliable, scientific reference.
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 6 Discussion
Depression and Anxiety
According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, over 17 million Americans experience a major depressive episode in an average year. Additionally, the NIHM estimates that 31.1% of Americans will experience diagnosed anxiety during their lifetime (NIMH, 2021). As we learn about the nervous system this module, we can use these two common disorders to help gain an understanding of basic nerve function.
Initial post: For your discussion post, choose either depression or anxiety and answer the following questions. Remember to use your own words when explaining these concepts. Support your opinion with valid research and cite your sources appropriately.
How does depression/anxiety affect neurotransmitters?
How does depression/anxiety affect synapses?
How does depression/anxiety affect neuron function?
Reply post: In your reply posts, share how various treatments may improve the physiology of the disorders discussed. Since these are common disorders, you may choose to share personal experiences. If so, keep the information you share confidential and do not share names or identifying information of others.
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 7 Discussion
While neurons cannot regenerate, learning experiences and life exposures contribute to neuroplasticity. In this discussion, we will examine what neuroplasticity is, and how allied health providers can utilize this concept to help patients develop positive health behaviors.
Initial post: Read the following article, Neuroplasticity and Clinical Practice: Building Brain Power for Health.
Then, answer the following question: “What is neuroplasticity, and how can you use it to help patients develop positive health behaviors?” Cite the assigned article to support your key positions.
Reply post: In response to a peer’s post, suggest an additional method to enhance neuroplasticity. Explain how this method changes neurology at a cellular level (think about neuron activity, axons, etc.).
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 8 Discussion
Autonomic Nervous System
The Autonomic Nervous System can be challenging to understand because it is connected to virtually every body function in opposite ways. We are going to explore the physiology of the ANS in this discussion by looking at specific examples of how it works.
Initial post: For your first discussion post, describe how the parasympathetic nervous system influences one function in your body. For example, the parasympathetic nervous system causes decreased blood pressure. If you chose this body function, you would describe the physiology behind the decreased blood pressure. How does it happen? What occurs in the heart/blood vessels? Which scenarios or external factors would cause the parasympathetic nervous system to activate this response?
Reply post: For your reply post, discuss the sympathetic nervous system’s influence on the function your peer chose. For example, if your classmate discussed the parasympathetic influences the diameter of your pupil, you need to describe how the sympathetic nervous system affects the diameter of your pupil.
Your post and reply should each be at least one paragraph long (about 4-5 sentences minimum). Try to use a body function that is unique from other examples already posted by other students. There are hundreds of options!
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 9 Discussion
Vertigo often presents as dizziness, which can have many causes. In this discussion, we will examine causes and their related anatomy and physiology. Within the article, The Treatment and Natural Course of Peripheral and Central Vertigo, select one type of vertigo to read about. Focus on the anatomy and physiology, as opposed to the treatments.
Initial post: In your initial post, describe the type of vertigo you chose to read about and explain the related anatomy and physiology. Be sure to cite the required resource to support your descriptions.
Reply post: Respond to a peer by adding detail to their post on how anatomical knowledge helps medical providers diagnose the type of vertigo your peer chose to discuss. How can you apply the concepts you’ve learned about the physiology of equilibrium to better understand this type of vertigo? How can various tests be used to pinpoint the type of vertigo a patient experiencing?
BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Module 10 Discussion
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more broadly, HRT is any form of hormone therapy that involves a patient receiving hormones to supplement or replace naturally occurring hormones in the body. For this discussion post, research different forms of HRT and choose one type to focus on.
Initial post: In your original post, describe a patient who may benefit from HRT. Explain the risks and benefits to using HRT in the scenario you chose. Be sure to include information on safety.
Reply post: For your reply post, find a classmate who discussed a different type of HRT than you. In your response, put yourself in the scenario discussed. If you were the patient in that scenario, would you choose to go through with HRT or would you look for alternative treatments? Do the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks, in your opinion?

Solution: BSC2087 2022 July Discussions Latest (Full)