BSC2087 2022 July Module 10 Discussion Latest

Question # 00826946 Posted By: solutionshare7 Updated on: 07/06/2022 02:26 AM Due on: 07/06/2022
Subject Biology Topic General Biology Tutorials:
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BSC2087 Human Anatomy and Physiology I

Module 10 Discussion

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)


Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is most commonly known for treating the discomfort associated with menopause. However, more broadly, HRT is any form of hormone therapy that involves a patient receiving hormones to supplement or replace naturally occurring hormones in the body. For this discussion post, research different forms of HRT and choose one type to focus on.

Initial post: In your original post, describe a patient who may benefit from HRT. Explain the risks and benefits to using HRT in the scenario you chose. Be sure to include information on safety.

Reply post: For your reply post, find a classmate who discussed a different type of HRT than you. In your response, put yourself in the scenario discussed. If you were the patient in that scenario, would you choose to go through with HRT or would you look for alternative treatments? Do the benefits of HRT outweigh the risks, in your opinion?


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