APUS ECON101 Unit 1 Quiz

APUS ECON 101 Unit 1 Quiz
1. The branch of economics that examines the impact of choices on aggregates in the economy is:
2. When we are forced to make choices we are facing the concept of
3. An economic system is the set of rules that define _______ and _______
4. In a market capitalist economy
5. The branch of economics that examines the choices of consumers and firms is
6. Scarcity in economics means:
7. In a command socialist economy
8. The basic concern of economics is
9. Whenever a choice is made
10. Economics is different from other social sciences because it gives special emphasis to the study of ______; it is similar to other social sciences because they are all concerned with the study of _______

Solution: APUS ECON101 Unit 1 Quiz