APOL500 Discussion - Some attacks that cast doubts

Question # 00864683 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/10/2024 04:04 AM Due on: 12/10/2024
Subject General Questions Topic Social sciences Tutorials:
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APOL 500

Discussion Assignment Instructions

The student will complete two discussions in this course. The student will post one thread of at least 400 words for the assigned Module: Week. There are two parts to each prompt, so approximately half of the 400 words should be dedicated to each part. For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least one scholarly citation for each prompt part. Be sure to avoid extended quotes. These citations must be in current Turabian format. Acceptable sources include the textbooks and the Bible.


Some attacks that cast doubts on Christianity come from one of several types of pluralism, that is, from an inclusive understanding of religious belief. The following are discussed in Gould:

a. Simple Religious Pluralism (Gould p. 129-31)

b. Sophisticated Religious Pluralism - Knitter’s Version (Gould p. 131-32)

c. Sophisticated Religious Pluralism - Hick’s Version (Gould p. 132-37)

All three versions are really an attack on the uniqueness of Jesus.

In this discussion, you will need to do two things:

1. Describe how one of these forms of religious pluralism is an attack against the uniqueness of Jesus (use of the textbook is required here but other sources may be of great help).

2. Construct a scriptural argument in defense of the uniqueness of Jesus (while using sources for support is good, be sure that your argument in dependent on scripture and not on those sources).

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00860202 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/10/2024 04:05 AM
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