Discussion - A woman walks into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting

Question # 00864670 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/10/2024 03:13 AM Due on: 12/10/2024
Subject General Questions Topic Social sciences Tutorials:
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A woman walks into an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. A man cashes his disability check. Do you look at them with judgment, with sympathy, or with something in between? How you answer may depend on your perspective toward social welfare.

A look of judgment represents the stigma attached to many social services. Some recipients are more stigmatized than others—for instance, a senior receiving retirement benefits may not be perceived with contempt in the same way that a homeless person at a soup kitchen might be.

For this Discussion, you investigate what stigmatization entails and how you might address it with a certain population.a response to the following:

  • Define stigmatization as it relates to receiving social services.
  • Identify and describe a population that may feel stigmatized in accepting a social service.
  • Describe a strategy to use with a client to address stigmatization.


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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00860189 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/10/2024 03:14 AM
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