Anti-smoking campaigns generally focus on highlighting the negative

Question # 00864668 Posted By: wildcraft Updated on: 12/10/2024 03:00 AM Due on: 12/10/2024
Subject General Questions Topic Social sciences Tutorials:
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Message Production

1) Anti-smoking campaigns generally focus on highlighting the negative effects of smoking to dissuade people from smoking. talk about how they used fear appeal etc. find the types of negative strategies to get them to comply. (with references)

2)  review four different anti-smoking campaigns - two that used negative strategies and two that used positive strategies. Talk about how the campaigns were carried out and possibly the outcome of the campaigns. (with references)

3) the way messages are presented are as important…if not more important than the content of the message itself. explain with proper references how people do not only responded to messages but to how the message is conveyed

5 pages.

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Tutorials for this Question
  1. Tutorial # 00860187 Posted By: wildcraft Posted on: 12/10/2024 03:01 AM
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    The solution of Anti-smoking campaigns generally focus on highlighting the negative...
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