Visit an agency or government site in your area that offers
Question # 00864669
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Updated on: 12/10/2024 03:12 AM Due on: 12/10/2024

- Visit an agency or government site in your area that offers public assistance.
- Acquire an application for the public assistance program.
- Fill out the application. (Note: Do not submit the application.)
2-3 pages
Explain the benefits of the public assistance program for which you acquired an application.
- Explain the qualifications for the benefits.
- Discuss any means testing for this program.
- Reflect on the process of visiting the site, filling out the application, and learning about the overall policy of the program.
- Answer this question: Does this application and the process uphold the self-worth and dignity of the individual? If so, how; or if not, why not?

Solution: Visit an agency or government site in your area that offers