Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Attention deficit hyperactivity

STEP 1: Selecting a Topic
For this paper find out more information about one of the following disorders:
· Alzheimer’s
· Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
· Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
· Dyslexia
· Autism Spectrum Disorder
· Multiple Sclerosis
· Narcolepsy
· Parkinson’s
· Synesthesia
· Schizophrenia
Chapter 3 we cover the human nervous system. Sometimes things do not always operate according to plan and people can end up with neurological disorders. Select one of the disorders from the list and find out more information about that disorder and the impact that it has on the lives of people.
Most of these disorders have societies or associations who have webpages with information about the disorder. There are also government based sites, such as the CDC and National Institute of Health, that have up-to-date research findings. There are eJournals, such as PLOS, that publish peer reviewed research. Avoid general websites such as Wikipedia or Also avoid sites such as WebMD, as some of the information is not up-to-date.
In addition to web-based resources, the librarians can help you with resources or eBooks.
ocate at least 3 sources (your textbook may be one of the sources). Try to have recent resources.
I have included a list with several links to online resources. The librarians can also help you to locate materials. Here is a link to the CLC Library Homepage where you can chat with a librarian, and access the library resources.
Possible Resources
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Links to an external site. This is a subsite of the more general National Institute of Health that focuses specifically on neurological problems. It also provides links to national organizations that may have additional information.
National Institute of Health (NIH) Links to an external site. This site covers a wide variety of topics that you can search. This links directly to their search page.
PLOS ONE Links to an external site. This is a peer reviewed open access electronic journal. You can search for information on many topics.
Journal of Neurological Disorders Links to an external site. You can search this open access journal for research articles on a variety of topics in neuroscience.
American Psychological Association Links to an external site. - topic index: The APA also has several articles and resources regarding disorders, including neurological disorders. As the APA site can be difficult to navigate (hey, psychologists like to mess with people!) I have linked you directly to their search page.
PsychCentral Links to an external site. At the top of the page you will see a link called "conditions" that opens a drop down box of all the conditions for which they have information. This site, while a .com, has some good information. Typically .coms are not always the most reliable of sources.
Mayo Clinic Links to an external site. The Mayo Clinic has information on disorders that is intended for a general audience (people and loved ones who have a disorder). This is a link to their general search page.
These are the questions you need to address in your essay. I do not want a question and answer paper. It needs to be in proper essay format, but make sure that you do cover these questions when writing about the disorder. However, you may use headings if that helps you to organize the paper.
I have also included other hints and questions to consider when discussing the disorder.
1. What are the symptoms? In other words, talk about the symptoms that would lead to a diagnosis. Also, if you have more technical terms such as "alogia", a good paper would not just list the symptom without describing what it means.
2. Is it difficult to diagnose? In other words, is it sometimes confused for other problems? Can it take patients some time before they receive the correct diagnosis? If so, how long does it tend to take for a correct diagnosis to be made?
3. Is this disorder comorbid with other disorders, or does it lead to other complications? If so, which ones? A good paper would also consider if this complicates the diagnosis, or when discussing treatments complicates treatment? And how it might do so?
4. How many people are affected? A good paper would also address if some groups are more affected than others (e.g., age, gender, racial/ethnic, etc.)?
5. What is/are/or speculated to be the cause or causes? I am expecting more detail than "It is thought to be both a combination of genetic and environmental factors." Everything about us is a combination of these, you need to be more specific. If genetics are assumed, a good paper would discuss research on inheritance rates among identical/fraternal twins, or among family members (e.g., parents and children), or if specific genes have been identified. For some disorders there might be information on the brain regions and neurotransmitters assumed to be involved in the disorder. If the environment plays a role, a good paper would describe the specific environmental factors that have been linked to developing the disorder.
6. How is it treated? Here I am looking for more than just the name of the treatment. If it is a medication, what is its name, what does the drug do, are their side effects? If it is some type of therapy, what is its name, what happens in that therapy? Finally, how well do most people respond to treatment?
7. How does it affect people’s lives? A good paper would discuss its impact on the person's work/school life, physical health, and social relationships. It would also consider how it might affect the lives of loved ones. Is it fatal or shortens the life expectancy?
You can work with a writing tutor on:
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Can I use my own experiences, or that of someone I know, when writing the paper?
Yes, BUT...
It should not be the main focus of the paper, or be the main source of information about the disorder. You, or a loved one, are only one person with the disorder. This means that your or their experiences may not represent most people with the disorder.
LENGTH: Minimum length is 8 pages of text ( does not include title or reference pages); you should not need more than 12 pages of written text.
FORMATTING: Use a 12 point font, one inch margins, double spacing.
TITLE PAGE: You need a title page with your name and the title of the paper (make it catchy).
REFERENCE PAGE: Your references should be on their own page at the end of the document.
· Articles, books, magazines, websites etc. are listed in alphabetical order based on the first author (see info on APA style), not the order of use in the document.
· YOU NEED at least THREE REFERENCES, and one of them can be your textbook (see the syllabus for the textbook info which is written in APA style)
CITATIONS: Please use citations in the paper and reference the websites, articles, magazines, and books that you used for the information. I will not grade any paper without citations and references and your paper will be considered plagiarism.
Use APA style for your citations and references. However, you do not need to use a running head, abstract, or set up your title page according to APA style.
Paraphrase rather than quote. Do not just link together several quotations. That is not writing a paper, that is cheating and being lazy. You need to get used to paraphrasing the information, as instructors in higher level courses will demand and expect this. Technical words and phrases do not have to be quoted. You still use citations even when paraphrasing. This is the biggest problem with student papers. You do NOT just cite when quoting. Failure to cite the source of information, even when paraphrasing is plagiarism.
· Avoiding Plagiarism
· APA Style
If you have not already completed this assignment and looked through this information, please do so BEFORE submitting your paper. This material can also be accessed directly in the Paper Module.

Solution: Alzheimer’s, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Attention deficit hyperactivity